Into A Place Where Thoughts Can Bloom

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Brendon drives straight back to the office and I'm completely thrown off when he parks back in their lot. He excitedly steps outside of the car and opens the door for me. I'm still trying to figure out what it is that is making him want to spend this time with me.

"Wait, before we head up you can take your wig off. It's probably itchy," he says in a very polite tone. I feel my face flush and he reaches up and starts to loosen the netting.

"Was it obvious that it was a wig?" I ask quietly.

"Not at all. You just didn't touch it as much as girls usually touch their hair so I guessed," he smiles and slowly pulls the wig down from my head.

I'm positive my hair looks much worse than the wig did after being in a bun underneath but when he pulls my hair tie loose it falls into soft waves and he seems satisfied.

"Much better," he says with a smile and he holds my face for longer than I thought he would. We hold eye contact and he starts to lean forward. I feel my stomach twist as his face inches closer and closer to mine.

"So, um....the uh...the picnic spot?" I ask softly. He makes a face and then nods.

"Yeah, its right down this way." I grab the bag and he grabs the drinks and I can feel how heavy my breathing is from what could never have been him trying to kiss me...right? Why would he?

Thoughts of his lips meeting mine distract me as we make our way up the street and he casually walks into our neighboring building. I'm hoping that where ever it is that we'll be eating is close by because I hadn't planned on walking this far in heels. As the automatic door opens he places his hand on the small of my back and chills rush up my spine. He rushes us to the elevator and jumps into it as the doors are closing, pulling me into him.

"Asteria..." he says softly as he holds me against him.

"Y-yes?" I almost want to kick myself at how pathetic I sound when I respond. He gives me a smirk.

"You almost spilled our coffee." I'm embarrassed and angry at this point and pull myself away from him. I don't know what's going on but I really don't like it and I'm wishing I was back at my desk eating my peanut butter sandwich by myself. He pushes the button for the top floor an I push the button for the lobby.

"What are you doing?"

"What is this, Brendon?" I huff. I'm afraid to hear the answer.

"It's a lunch date, I thought..." My stomach tightens and I have to process his words. A date? This is wrong. There's something wrong. This doesn't happen. You don't wake up one morning and go on a date with one of your favorite vocalists. This isn't real life. Something is going to happen. I can't stop panicking. Before I get the chance to pull it together the elevator has reached the top floor. Brendon hasn't broken eye contact and he holds out a hand. I hesitantly look down at it, unsure of what to do.

"Would you like to continue?" The transitions between the immature Brendon and the Brendon holding his hand out to me at this moment makes my head spin and before I know it my hand is in his and he's pulling me around he corner of the hallway. He opens a door that shows a stair case. "Don't worry, it's not far up."

My hand is still in his as he walks up the stairs and I follow closely behind him. He opens the door at the top of the stairs and I'm blinded by bright sunlight. He walks us to the edge of the building and takes a seat. I follow and look around, viewing what feels like it could be all of New York even though I know it's only a small fraction of the beautiful city. The way that the afternoon sun hits the skyscrapers and cars makes it look like the city is made of diamonds and it's an odd experience to see it so glistening and so quiet at this height.

"Sorry it was a journey. Sorry if I...did something wrong." He's looking down and his eyes are concealed by sunglasses. I sit next to him and hand him his coffee cup.

"It's probably cold by now," I tell him with a small smile. I have no idea what I'm doing but I really hope it's the right thing. He smiles, takes the cup, and hands me one of the two paninis.

"I really like to come up here and just watch everything happen. Everything moves slower and you get to just watch the city and think. I write songs up here sometimes," he tells me in a soft tone.

"Here? This is where you write?"

"Yeah. I've written a couple. I like to come at night and really just start scribbling out ideas, humming, playing guitar. It helps me get inspired. This city is too loud." I nod as I finish off half of my sandwich and imagine Brendon here in the starlight, writing his thoughts and turning them into ballads.

"I usually go to Central Park," I tell him with a smile. He gives a small laugh just like I knew he would.

"That's such a crowded place to go!" he laughs harder. I join in.

"I know! But the people, they inspire me. I like to watch them. They all have their own stories, their own gestures. It's just a nice place to sketch."

"Artists are odd," he laughs. I give him a nudge.

"So what's your story?" he asks me. I hesitate, unsure of what it is he wants to hear and I'm afraid to tell him anything about me or my past or who I am.

"A long one," is my quiet reply as I take a sip of my coffee.

"And, I mean, Asteria. What kind of name is that anyway?" he asks as he smiles and takes a bite. I roll my eyes and I'm happy to see the lighter side of Brendon Urie again.

"I was named after a goddess, for your information," I tell him as I take a few bites of the slightly warm but very delicious sandwich.

"Which one? Goddess of eye rolling? Goddess of sarcasm?" He laughs. I laugh with him and can't help but roll my eyes again.

"Actually, Asteria was the goddess of prophecies in the stars. So technically I'm the goddess of the whole universe. And you're just a misspelled Brandon." He sticks his tongue out at me and I innocently bat my eyelashes and take another bite. He bites his lip and looks away.

"What made you want to have lunch with me?" I ask him, my voice shaking from nerves. He turns to me and leans in close.

"You're very beautiful. There's a reason you're named after a goddess." He places his hand gently under my chin and tilts my head upward. I lean forward without thinking and before I know it, his lips are on mine.

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now