Give Me Envy

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After what truly was a moment with the devil himself I rushed to compose myself in the restroom. Ana and Davey didn't bother to follow after what happened and I lost Dallon in the crowd. I ended up just focusing on doing my job and becoming friends with Michael. He's the singer for an upcoming alt pop band and he truly made me forget about everything that happened after the awful red carpet experience, the experience that was supposed to be one of the most memorable moments of my life. Why would Brendon kiss my forehead? 

Michael's been sweet and understanding as I'm yanked from one end of the party to the other as we talk and then it's time for interviews. I'm not sure if I'll have to interview Brendon but sure enough, he ends up in the interview room and I just focus on who's infront of me. I can't let my career be destroyed over him. 

I'm completely ecstatic when Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph walk into the room and approach me. I ask them about Blurryface and how their tour has been. They congratulate me on my relationship with Brendon but I brush that off quickly, asking them instead about their favorite parts of tour and what else everyone can expect. They both hug me tightly and leave and suddenly the interview with Brendon no longer seems so daunting. Michael is next and a large grin spreads across his face as he walks up to me.

"Michael! Tell us a little bit about your band!" I ask excitedly. 

"Well, we're just three guys that play instruments and sing songs about girls like you," he says warmly and I can't help but giggle. 

"What does that mean exactly?" I ask with a laugh and I notice Brendon watching us. He's pissed and I know it's wrong but it makes me laugh and really makes me want to see how pissed off I can make the devil in the room.

"We can talk about that later," he says and I try to guide the interview back in the right direction. The entire time Brendon's nostrils are flaring and Dallon brings him something to drink. I over hear him shout 'you look thirsty' and I loose my composure.

"Michael it's been great talking to you, I can't wait to see where your band goes from here!" I end the interview and he hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. I look into the camera, shocked, and the camera guy gives me an okay sign. I guess I'm not doing a bad job? Kenneth, Dallon and Daniel come up next but someone rushes over to me with a sheet of paper. 

"Before you start these interviews Brian wanted me to make sure you had these, he wants very thought out questions." 

I let out a sigh of frustration because I thought I had gone over what to say with Brian this whole week but thank her and glimpse them. I'm extremely irritated to see that he added questions about our relationship. Dallon gives me a sympathetic look and I shrug. 

"Alright, I am here with Dallon Weekes, Kenneth Harris, and Daniel Pawlovich!" I can't help but laugh as they all wave and flail their limbs excitedly. "I like this comic book theme that you guys have going on here!"

"We wanted to do a heroes and villains theme," Dallon says into the microphone. "But we made Brendon dress up as himself!"

He elbows the others and they all laugh and snicker and bat their eye lashes at an even more angry Brendon Urie. I can't help but laugh with them and this is definitely not as awful as I thought. I look down at my question sheet and I know if I don't ask what was added I'll probably lose my job.

"So how has the tour been for you guys? I've missed you guys so much!"

"It's been great! Brendon is definitely just putting his heart into it," Kenneth says with a small smirk. 

"How are you guys liking the little break that you've had from me?" I ask with a forced laugh. Brian, you're an asshole for putting that on the sheet.

"Oh, we all miss you like crazy, Asteria. You're definitely a sort of glue for us," Daniel says. "We hardly know you but we just don't feel complete without you around!"

Dallon gives Daniel a thumbs up and I'm starting to think there's a hidden agenda with Panic! At The Disco. I grimace at the next question.

"How's Brendon doing?" I'm happy when they realize that that's a question on the sheet, not one of my own and they all look at each other.

"He's a wreck, Asteria," Kenneth answers and Dallon elbows him roughly in the ribs. "No, he is! He misses you like crazy and he can't stop talking about you and he's just so excited to see you tonight!"

Daniel and Dallon shoot him glares and I feel my heart drop.

"L-Likewise," I stutter. "Now back to the important things, what kind of energy are you guys bringing out onto the tour?"

"It's just all heart. All emotions. We've all got something to play for and sing about and it really just makes it so much more meaningful and it really lets us connect with the fans." I can tell that Dallon is really used to these interviews. I thank them and take in a deep breath and get ready to face the devil. 

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