I'm On My Way

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I try not to show that I'm falling apart as I struggle to get used to just using this artists software. Nothing is coming back to me like I'd hoped and everything is foreign. I even got switched to logos for the time being because I couldn't work it! I look up video tutorials and struggle. How did I ever get the hang of this? What if I never remember?

I'm relieved to see that my work day only has one hour left and I decide to pretend to take a restroom break just for the sake of my sanity. I adjust my black pencil skirt and try to balance in my studded stillettos. I check my phone and see three new texts, two from Brendon and one from Davey. I check Brendon's first.

Hey beautiful! How's your day going?

It'll be okay. I know it's probably really rough but I know you'll get the hang of it. Hang in there. I'll be there to pick you up for school before you know it.

I smile at the thoughtful messages and reply.

It's rough. Glad it's almost over. Miss you.

I check the text from Davey and laugh at the difference between the two.

Hey, you might be sucking but remember, it's not the only thing you suck at. I mean you're great at sucking at things though, so that's an achievement.

I decide not to respond to that one and look at myself in the mirror for a while. My wine colored blouse and black blazer get splattered with water and I roll my eyes. I'm so done with today and I have class after this. I have to remember to thank Davey for advising me to take a change of clothes and shoes. When I go back to my desk I'm surprised to see and envelope with my name on it. Next to it is a warm cup of coffee from Starbucks. I take a sip and I'm incredibly please to find that it's my favorite drink. I carefully tear open the envelope to see who it is that left me with this act of kindness.

Thought you could use a little something to get through the day. Keep your head up! You've only got an hour left.


My day is made. He must have dropped it off as soon as I got up from my desk. I can't stop grinning despite my frustration with logo creations and the caffiene has an effect on how quickly I start picking up on things. I'm able to actually finish my assignments and submit them right before I'm finished. I happily and quickly pack up my things and head to the restroom to change, but on the way I run into a very sullen man that's about a foot taller than I am.

"Asteria, I needed to speak with you for a second."

"Oh! Uh, sure!" I say awkwardly, hoping he reintroduces himself. I follow him into his office and have a seat. As soon as I sit I can't help but jolt. The last time I was in here I was told I'd be working with Panic! At The Disco. The last time I was in here was the most important day of my life. And I remember.

"How are you feeling?" he asks me.

"You know what...I'm not too bad...My memory is coming back in pieces...You're Brian, right?" I ask him and he nods.

"That's really good to hear. I had a question for you."

"Okay, go for it!"

"Well, you're usually my representative for a lot of things. In about a month there's going to be an annual party that Fueled By Ramen throws. Usually I have Elaine from media and marketing take care of things like this but she refuses to take care of it this year and you have a very strong working knowledge of the artists on this label and I think you'd be great for it. You'd be interviewing them briefly and making sure to let them know about how much the company appreciates them. You'll also be hosting a raffle and one of the games. Does that sound alright? I'm asking you a month in advance because you're the first person that I thought would be able to do it but also because if your memory isn't back soon I can't send you out there. Four years is a lot of time to be behind. I have a lot of faith in you, so I'm sure you can do it. But I thought I'd ask. What do you say?" He watches me hesitantly and I'm sure I look as terrified as I'm feeling.

"Y-yeah. I mean yes. Yes I can definitely do that. Definitely." He gives me a slight smile.

"Let's hope for the best then. Good job today. Thanks for coming back." I shake his hand before leaving and thank him for the opportunity before rushing to the bathroom to change into an old Iron Maiden tee and some navy skinny jeans. I can feel my feet thanking me when I switch from stilettos to boots. If I remember what I need to, I'll get to meet a ton of my favorite artists. I hope I can do it...

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now