It Was Always You

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I knew she'd be nervous because of it. I could see in her eyes. She scans my face, waiting, hoping for me to continue. I keep kissing her as I continue, making sure she doesn't forget that this is nothing like what happened to her. Making sure she knows that I really do love her. She starts to loosen up and her body starts relaxing again. She's ready. I can see it. I grab the foil packet and place its contents on my length, ready to feel her. She said she was ready to give herself to me. I'm finally ready to give myself to her. It's never been like this before. I've never felt this way during sex before.

"If it hurts, tell me and I'll stop," I whisper and she nods. Her pupils are dilated and all fear is gone from her face. She's ready...She wants to feel me.

I gently push myself inside of her and she lets out another gasp. Her hands clench my shoulders and I try not to go in too quickly. She feels so good I struggle to fight my instincts and stay gentle. Her whimpers remind me to stay slow and gentle until she asks otherwise. Once I'm completely connected to her I slowly start thrusting into her. I watch her as she starts to feel the pleasure and once I see that it feels good for her I allow myself to succumb to what may be my own first time. I've never loved someone like this. I've never shown someone that I love them like this. Everything else was so meaningless. This is better than anything I've ever had.

Her mouth is parted and her skin is so soft because of her shower. He breathing and her moans start to combine into each other and I press my body closer to hers. I need to feel every part of her. I tuck my arms under her back and pull her as close to me as I can. One of her hands makes its way into my hair and the other is on my back and I'm overwhelmed at the feeling of being intertwined with her body. I feel her kissing my shoulders and I can't help but go faster. 

I place my hands back on the mattress to give myself more leverage and keep thrusting. Her moaning escalates and I feel myself getting closer. I feel her tighten around me and she covers her mouth. She's the cutest thing I've ever seen. She tries to quiet herself and I know I've made her cum again. Her innocence makes it sweeter. It makes me want more of her. I scoop her up and roll onto my back, bringing her with me. Her chest stays pressed against mine and I'm thankful for the connection. She looks afraid but when I run my hands along her perfect ass and grab her hips I see her become more focused on the pleasure than what's going to happen next.

I start to gently move her into a thrusting motion and she catches on, rocking her hips against mine. I rub my hands along her back, feeling the indentations of her muscles and making my way back to her hips. I start thrusting back and I can tell it's too much for her so I try to slow down. I'm getting close...She feels too good for me to last much longer but I don't want this to end. I roll her onto her back again and keep going. I want to look at her... I want to see her cum one more time. Her hands grab my waist and I know it's about to happen. 

She moans my name and it sends me over. I rest my body on hers and hang my head over her shoulder, kissing her cheek. She struggles to turn her body but once she's turned it far enough she thanks me with soft, sweet, and loving kisses. I slowly remove myself from her and once I take care of the protection she snuggles into my chest. 

"I love you," she tells me and I hear how true it is in her voice. She didn't have to say it. She just showed me that.

"I love you, Asteria. God, I love you so much." I pull her closer into my chest but when I feel moisture I pull away. "What is it? Did I hurt you?" 

I start to panic and search for answers. She's not completely crying but there are a few tears in her eyes.

"I just, I never thought I'd do that and enjoy it and... I don't know, I'm sorry," she says with a trembling voice. I kiss her forehead. 

"You don't have to be sorry. I understand. It was a big deal. Thank you for trusting me." She smiles and nods and I'm happy to see that the tears will not be making a full appearance. 

"Was it...was I...Was it good for you?" She asks nervously and I know that she isn't asking something simple. She's asking if this was better than what I've had before. 

"It was perfect for me. Don't worry about me."

"Can we do it again, sometime?" she asks and I can't help but laugh. She laughs, too and I pull her even closer.

"We can do it as many times as you want. Just maybe not today. I don't want you to be sore," I laugh.

She stays in my chest, kissing me as many times as she can and I'm far from willing to complain about the amount of affection. When this tour is over, I'm going to ask her to move in with me. I don't want to be away from her anymore. I want her as much as possible. I don't care if it's in her apartment or mine or if we get a whole new one. I need her. I need her like I need air.


Okay guys just a few things! First off, If you're reading this that means you've read seventy six chapters of a store that I wrote and holy crap that's amazing!! YOU'RE AWESOME! <3 Thank you so much for your votes, views, comments, and everything in between <3 <3 <3 The story is really coming to a close and I'll be updating and posting the first chapter of the sequel sometime between tomorrow and next Wednesday (It's my anniversary tomorrow so we'll see if I can get it posted!) Also, like I mentioned I am changing its title so that the title for this one can be used for the sequel instead because it's more fitting. The title for this story will transition to "Caught In The Way You've Got Me" and I'll be marking it completed once the last chapter goes up. I love you all thank you so much for reading this far!!! 

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