Back To The Street Where We Began

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Brendon is quiet as he drives. He seems like he's lost in thought. Is he thinking about the tour? Is he really going to make this work while he's on it?

"What are you thinking about?" I finally ask. He glances over at me and smiles.

"The asshole radio host," he laughs. "Asteria, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about the tour."

"It's okay...I mean. I don't blame you. There's been a lot going on. This week feels more like it's been a year."

"Doesn't it? I'm glad it's not just me." He let's out a tired sigh.

"Brendon, I'm so sorry. This whole mess has been all my fault. I don't know what I was thinking ditching you at that club and trying to get home by myself. That's so stupid. I owe you so much for everything...I'm sorry..." I start to cry. I don't mean to but it just starts coming out. "I really made a mess of your life..."

"Hey," He grabs my hand as he focuses on the road. "These past two weeks have been difficult and long. But I'm so glad they happened...and I mean that, Asteria. They've been by no means easy. But you're worth all of it. I'd do it again if I had to..."

He wipes away one of my tears and kisses my hand. What has become of my life? I never even would have dreamed of dating Brendon Urie or singing with his band. This is beyond anything that I thought could have happened. And I'm hosting the Fueled By Ramen Halloween party? If anyone told me this would be my life I would have laughed in their face.

"But...about the tour..." My attention is brought back to Brendon. He sounds nervous. "Asteria, I'll be gone for about three months. That's longer than I've known you. I really don't want to leave...but this is a part of my job."

I nod. He's right. This is part of his job. He's always going to have to do this. If I want this I have to get used to that.

"But I'll be back here a couple of times. I want to see you every time. I'll be here for the Halloween party that they keep calling a holiday party," he smiles. "And I'll be here for Thanksgiving and Christmas. So that's already three times that I'll get to see you. We're also going to be back one other time. So really it might not be so bad! And we can Skype and talk on the phone. There's no way I could go that long without being around you when we've basically been living together for a week and a half."

I suddenly feel a lot less worried about everything. He's right. And if I'm going to see him for the holidays it'll be great. Wait, the holidays!

"Brendon...could there a way that I could go with you?" He brakes in the middle of the street and various cars honk and shout at us.

"What about school, Asteria?"

"I'm off the week of Christmas and I don't go back until late January." The smile he gives me is so big!

"Yes! Yeah, of course! Your internship is okay with that?!"

"I don't work during breaks."

"Asteria! This is perfect!" He laughs. This is going to work. He was right. "Oh my God! I'm so excited! Here, we're almost there."

He pulls into a small street that takes us through a train graveyard, where old train models sit off of old train tracks that aren't used anymore. He parks the car and heads to the trunk. He comes back with a picnic basket, blanket, and an extra sweater.

"I brought this so you'd be a little bit warmer. We're gonna be out here a while," he smiles and hands me the extra hoodie. I thank him and put it on underneath my denim jacket. He also gives me a scarf and I laugh.

"You really wanted to make sure I'd be warm, huh?" I ask. He nods.

"I told you! We're gonna be out here a while!" He takes my arm as we walk over to one of the train carts and he smiles. "This is the one. Let me help you up."

He climbs into the cart with the basket and blanket with ease before helping me climb up. When I step into the train cart I'm surprised by the most adorable set up I've ever seen. There are mason jars with tea lights all over the cart and a backyard love seat with a table in front of it. There are roses in the center of the table and a neatly wrapped box with my name on it. He places his hand in the small of my back and pulls out a lighter.

"Let me light the candles while you open that," he says as he kisses my head. Soon the cart is lit with the tea candles and the sunset makes the cart look even more beautiful. I pick up the box and wonder what it is that he got me. "Come on! I'm excited to see if you like it!"

I carefully open the paper and then the box, pulling out a long glass tray that has an array of black and silver stones along the rim and I can't help but laugh. He joins me.

"You bought me a new candle tray?" I ask, still laughing.

"I hope you like it! It doesn't have those chandelier beadings like the old one but-"

"I love it. It's perfect," I cut him off and give him a quick kiss on the jaw. He sits into the loveseatand slowly pulls me by the hips to sit with him.

"I'm glad you like it," he says as he plants a kiss in my cheek. "So, I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you to an abandoned area as the sun was setting on a cold autumn night. But do not worry my dear Asteria, for there is a method to my madness."

"Are we going to kill someone?" I joke. He looks at me and gasps.

"How did you know?" I give him a small shove and he starts to empty the picnic basket. He pulls out a cold bottle of wine and a plate of cheese, grapes, apples, and bread. Fancy. He also pulls out a small speaker and a metal container, followed by a large black tube and a roll of paper.

"I'm so lost, this is the most random array of items I've ever seen," I laugh.

"Hang on! I'm getting to the real point here it just takes a second to set up!" He places the tube on a tripod and rolls out the paper. Then he pulls out two plates and some silver wear. "I remember you saying your favorite food was Italian and you ordering the eggplant Parmesan last time we went out so I kind of...tried to make that. I don't know how it tastes, but I didn't want to buy it. It didn't seem fitting."

My heart melts as he opens the metal container and reveals neatly placed eggplant Parmesan. He serves it to us both and it's still hot. What kind of Tupperware is that? It smells delicious. He serves us each a glass of wine.

"This platter is for when we start to hit that second bottle of wine and get hungry later," he smiles.

"Brendon, this is so perfect."

"Don't say that until you've tried the food! What if you hate it?" He laughs. "Can we toast to a new beginning?"

I nod and he grabs my hand tightly, intertwining my fingers with his, before touching our glasses together. The wine is amazing and he's everything I've ever wanted.

"Okay. Moment of truth! Go ahead."

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