She Lives In A World So Unaware

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I wake up with my head foggy. Everything is bright and there's a loud beeping going through my room. My alarm? I start to sit up but feel a strong shooting of pain and drop back down to my mattress...or...the mattress? This doesn't feel like my bed. These don't feel like my sheets. Am I in a hospital?

"Asteria?" I look around to see where my name is coming from. Oh God, I'm in an asylum. I've gone crazy. I'm fucking delusional. Because this guy looks just like Brendon Urie. But there's no way it could really be him. Why the hell would he be in here with me? I keep blinking, trying to see who he really is but he doesn't change. He looks so different in person. He looks really pale actually. And really tired. But he's still pretty hot.

"Here...let me go get a doctor." He gets up and walks out. That was weird. Okay. So I'm insane. Wow. How long have I been in here? David walks in and it's hard not to laugh, but the pain is unfathomable when I do so.

"Hey! Relax! What's so funny?"

"You finally got rid of your Justin Bieber haircut." He looks at me like I'm...well...insane.


"Hey how long have I been in here?"

"About a week."

"Wow. I really am crazy. I don't even remember checking in here. Hey but my mom is probably really happy right?"


"Did she check me in? She kept going on and on about a treatment center."

"Asteria...I think you're a little confused..."

"No Davey I think I'm crazy! I think she's right! You know who I thought was just in here? Brendon Urie."

"Oh fuck..."

A doctor walks in with my imaginary Brendon again.

"Hi doc, hi imaginary Brendon." The doctor looks at me weird too. So does imaginary Brendon. Davey turns to look at them and he looks like he's having a hard time coming up with what to say.

"How are you doing Asteria?"

"My side hurts."

"Yes, that's going to be painful for you for a little while. You came out of surgery."

"Surgery?" Okay now I'm way confused.

"Yes, Asteria. Do you remember what happened before you fell asleep?"

"Um. I was fighting with my mom. She didn't want me to go to school in New York. But I didn't want to be a doctor, no offense. Hey, am I going to miss my graduation?" Everyone's jaw drops and I'm starting to get scared.

"Asteria, I need you to listen to me very closely." I give her a small nod but that makes my head hurt so much worse.

"Wait! Oh my God!" I start to cry because I finally hit realization. "I'm dying! That's why he's here! I made a wish! Oh my God, do I have cancer?!"

My sobs are painful in both my head and my chest.

"Asteria! You are not dying!" I start to calm down.

"It's alright, Asteria. I'm very happy to tell you you're not dying." She smiles but still looks concerned. "There was an incident. You were attacked by a group of men. You hit your head against concrete. Hard. They also broke a couple of your ribs and you had a punctured lung. But you're doing great with recovery."

My head is spinning. I look at Davey and his eyes are watery, he's on the verge of tears. He grabs my hand. Not imaginary Brendon looks like he just heard the worst news of his life and I'm really curious about what he's doing here. 

"She thinks it's three and a half years ago," David tells the doctor. What? What is he talking about? I look at him and back at the doctor. 

"Asteria, where do you go to school?"

"Montebello High School." Davey stands up from his chair and starts pacing the room. He grabs Brendon's shoulder and starts whispering. How does he know him? 

"How old are you?"

"Eightteen." Davey freezes when I say it and he's looking at me like something is about to attack me.

"Asteria, I'm really sorry sweetheart. It appears you're suffering from memory loss. Try not to panic, okay? Let's talk about a couple of things." I nod and she clears her throat and continues. "You're actually twenty two years old."


"Please, try not to panic sweetie. You're in New York City. This is going to definitely be hard for you to grasp. We can't force the memories to come back to you, but try to stick to your daily routine. I'm assuming you two have an idea of that, yes?" She looks to Davey and Brendon, but only Davey nods.

"Good. So there's your ticket right there. I want to keep you in here for a couple more days and then you can go home and we can try to get you back on your daily life, alright? Unfortunately you're going to be in pain until everything heals but after that you'll be feeling much better and be able to focus on regaining the memories you've lost, if possible. Is there someone with you that can accompany you to school and work?" I look to Davey but he looks at Brendon and smirks. Brendon shakes his head.

"Wait, how do I know you?" I ask Brendon. He looks at me like I just told him his dog died...what am I going to do? 

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