Drop Our Anchors In A Storm

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My brain is trying to process everything that just happened and all of the emotions that hit me all at once. Davey's on the floor, my mother is screaming, Brendon is staring at me with wide eyes and I can't figure out how to move. I put my hands on my head and take a deep breath in.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DON'T MOVE!" I scream. The room is silent. The only noise is the sound of my pulse in my ears and a  high pitched ringing from everything going on. "Let me make something very clear," I say in a snarling and shakey voice that I hardly recognize as my own.

"I am an adult. I am capable of making my own decisions. Mother, I'm capable of choosing to stay in New York and that's what I'm going to do. David, I am capable of seeing the people that I want to see and I will fuck them if I want to. Brendon, I will punch my own friends in the face if need be. Now everyone that has known me for less  than a month will follow me to my room and the others will stay in here and not leave until I come out and talk to them." I turn and start heading to my bedroom, still shaking and feel Brendon's hand on the small of my back. Once the door is shut I lose my strength to stand and slowly stumble onto the ground. 

How can she expect me to just leave New York? This is my new home. This is where I'm happy. I have friends here. Yeah they're mostly homeless but they're my friends. I belong here. Not with her...what happened was an accident and I'm fine now. My ribs are healing and I'm fine...I can't leave New York...I can't leave Fueled by Ramen...I can't leave Brendon...

He wraps his arms around me and move me to my bed. He kisses my forehead and takes a seat next to me. He rubs my back and waits for me to speak. His knuckles are turning purple. What the fuck is my life?

"I'm not leaving."


"Why did you punch him?"

"Because I could tell you wanted to. I figured if I did it it would hurt more..." he says quietly. He's ashamed of it and I start laughing.

"I guess it did. I'd never be able to bring that machine to the ground. I'm just surprised he didn't hit you back." He starts laughing with me.

"If he did it would be my turn to go to the hospital." We both start laughing harder than we probably should be. What else can we do? We've been through so much in the past three weeks and we just wanted to have a peaceful date.

"I can't leave my mom with no where to stay. She'll have to stay here for the night. How disgusting."

"You can come stay with me." I stare at his face to see if he's joking but Brendon is suddenly serious. 

"Okay. Let me pack my bag." He smiles and watchs as I fumble through my closet. 

"That one!" He exclaims when I hold a long burgundy dress up. I look over at him and there's a hunger in his eyes. When I turn away I can't help but bite my lip and put the dress in the bag. I pack the rest of my things. Make up, underwear, socks, and of course, my trusty combat boots. 

"Okay. I just need bathroom stuff."

"Should we go back out there?" I groan and drag my weekender bag across the floor, not wanting to face my family. "You're so lazy, let me get it."

We laugh as he opens the door and I grab my curling wand and toothbrush before heading into the living room.

"Lady and non-gentleman, I have made my decision." My mother and Davey both stare at me like I'm insane and I probably seem like it for laughing as I talk to them. "It truly has been a wonderful evening, very eventful, but now it is time to get serious."

Brendon and I stifle our laughter as I try to continue.

"I would like to open tonight's discussion with the subject of David. You deserve to be punched in the face. We will talk about the things that you said to my mother later. Next, mother I am not moving back to California. This is my home now. I'm happy here. You will stay in this apartment for the evening."

"Asteria, I don't think that's-" Davey starts.

"Quiet! My mother will stay here. I will be staying with Brendon. Thank you all for your time. Meeting adjourned." I toss my keys onto the coffee table and step outside with Brendon, excited to see his apartment. I can take care of everything else tomorrow. Right now I want to focus on the man infront of me and where we're going. Not just in this city but in the future.

(Hey guys! Sorry I've been so bad with updates! I do see your notifications and appreciate them so much! Also to those who vote and comment I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! It makes my day and really motivates me to keep writing. I'm hoping to update again this weekend, I've grown a habit of keeping this in a notebook and typing it when I can. Thanks guys!!! Hope you guys are liking it! And yes, this will calm down for Brendon and Asteria.)

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora