Oh, How It's Been So Long

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I take a deep breath as the cab pulls up to Brendon's suburban childhood home. The entire plane ride was full of apologies and the talk of change. I'm working on not letting my issues of the past get in the way of our future. He told me about what touring was like and how he was dreading coming to New York and hoping I wouldn't show up. How little he slept and ate. It feels right to try again. It feels fair and I feel...different. Maybe all the time that I had spent with Davey kept me stuck in the past and kept me at my little broken self. I've grown. And now I'm here, in Nevada for Thanksgiving and I'm glad Brendon made me pack clothes for warm weather. I look down at my navy blue dress and combat booties. Was this the right thing to wear to meet his parents?

I'm broken out of my long train of thought when the front door to the house opens and a woman with chocolate brown hair steps outside.

"Hello sweetheart," she says kindly as she looks me up and down with a concerned look on her face. Her eyes stop at my tattoos and again at my hair. "Are you lost?"

I don't know what to tell her. Brendon didn't tell her I was coming and she seems horrified by my appearance.

"Mom! Oh my God!" Brendon grunts as he shuts the cab trunk and rolls our suitcases over to us.

"Brenny!" She shouts as she runs up to him and hugs him. The resemblance is so clear and it's obvious that this is his mother.

"You're being rude," he whisper whines. His mother looks at him confused. She looks back at me and then back at him and the two suitcases and let's out a deep and very loud gasp as she puts two and two together.

"Boyd!" She shouts and a kind looking man starts stepping out the door. She runs to him and says something in a low voice as she points back and forth between Brendon and I.

"I'm so sorry," Brendon groans as he grimaces at his parents. I just smile and squeeze his hand.

"I don't think your mom likes me," I whisper and he whispers back.

"She's just conservative she's going to love you," he says and kisses my cheek. Mrs. Urie squeals. She and Mr. Urie walk up to us happily and Mr. Urie holds out a hand.

"What's your name, sweetie?" He asks.

"Um, Asteria," I say nervously. When I take his hand to shake it he pulls me in for a hug and Brendon covers his face in embarrassment. His mother hugs me as well and I have no idea what to say. Help me out here, Bee.

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend," he says in a very stop embarrassing me tone. They grin at the both of us. "It's hot out here, can we please go inside?"

I laugh as they make a face at him and we all head into the house. The inside of it is cozy and you can tell that this house belongs to a very close family. There are pictures in adorable frames everywhere and motivational sayings in frames amongst them. I smile when I see Brendon's pictures from when he was younger. He's pretending to play guitar and he's in jeans and no tee shirt with sunglasses on.

"We're so happy you two could be here! It's been so long since we've last seen you, Brendon!" His mother hugs him one more time. "We had no idea you'd come home with such a beautiful young lady."

"She's the artist that did our single artwork," he says as he looks at me with a proud grin. I roll my eyes and smile back.

"Can I help you with anything in the kitchen, Mrs. Urie?" I ask her, hoping she hasn't made dessert yet. Baking could really help me get this anxiety out of my system.

"Do you bake?" Yes! Yes I bake!

"I do!"

"Perfect! Would you like to help me with the pie?" I nod excitedly and the entire Urie family laughs as I rush into the wrong room.

"Brendon, we can set the table up," I hear Mr. Urie tell him.

I wash my hands quickly in the sink and Mrs. Urie ties an apron around my waist before I finish, swiftly tucking her arms undermine and neatly tying a bow in the back. She then ties my hair into a low pony tail very gently. I'm reminded of when I was very young, how my grandmother used to do this for me. My mother never showed this sort of intimate affection. An instant longing for them lingers in my chest as she hands me a dishtowel to dry my hands. She looks at me and gives one swift nod.

"He's going to have to come in here and see you like that. It'll be the first thing he thinks of when he tastes the pie and once a man eats delicious food associated with a beautiful girl he falls in love for sure." I give her a small laugh and she returns it as she washes her hands.

We spend time discussing pie crust recipes and each reveal our secrets and she tells me about Brendon. I learn so much about him from our short conversation and nod as she speaks to let her know I'm paying attention. Suddenly she stops talking and tears up.

"We just never expect him to bring any company on Thanksgiving. We're so surprised and happy to see that he found someone that he's willing to commit to. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to put a lot of pressure on you or anything, but I've been so worried that he was never going to want to settle down and do the whole shabang, you know? Marry a beautiful young lady, give me some grandbabies. We see hope in that with you. It doesn't mean it has to be you, but the fact that he chooses to be committed to you is what gives us that. So thank you. I know my son must be difficult to be with at times but I promise you he's worth the trouble. Take it from someone who's know him since birth," she says with a smile as she pulls the end of my pony tail over my shoulder so that it rests on my chest.

As soon as she finishes and puts the pie in the oven, Brendon and his father walk in. I turn and immediately become nervous when I realize that Brendon has never seen me with my hair in anything other than my normal messy waves or my sloppy buns from when I was sick and healing from the hospital. His pupils dilate when he sees me and he stops at the doorway, staring. All I can do is stare back and I lightly pull and twist at the ponytail out of nervousness. He gives me a warm smile and leans against the doorway.

"I've never seen you like this," he says quietly. I realize that his parents left and we're in the kitchen alone.

"L-like what?" I stammer. He won't stop staring...

"You just look really beautiful, Asteria." I guess Mrs. Urie was right... I awkwardly clasp my hands together and relax my arms. He starts walking towards me and I don't know what to do. He wraps his arms around my waist and I take in a sharp breath. "Thank you for coming with me."

When he whispers it into my ear my body goes weak. He kisses my cheek, my jaw, my lips, and then my neck. I gasp and intertwine his hair in my fingers. He let's out a quiet groan. He slowly pulls away and kisses my forehead.

"I l-" he cuts himself off as soon as he starts speaking and looks at me with wide eyes. Why is this so hard for him?

(Hey guys!!! I know it's a late thanksgiving update but I mean when are we not thankful for Brendon Urie?)

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