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They've been gone for a really long time. I get a little nervous with how abruptly Brendon left. Maybe he doesn't like me as much after spending time with me...

I try sketching but my mind is too busy. I decide to go through my closet and plan my outfit for tomorrow and grab something warmer to throw on over my clothes. This flannel isn't cutting it. I find a very large hoodie and decide that that's perfect. I let it envelop me and I take a deep breath, thankful for it's warmth. It smells like something...something I Davey. This is Davey's smell. Something about this sends a click through my brain and my head starts throbbing. I head over to the kitchen to take my medication and I feel a weird sensation...almost like deja vu. Davey wore this to make me hot chocolate recently. I remember...but not his apartment.

His apartment. I wonder if he's home. Oh my God Asteria! You're getting your memory back! I get overly excited and I'm sure it's not the best idea but I slip my phone in the hoodie's pocket and decide to head over. I want to talk to him about Brendon. I hope I can remember the way. I'll feel so much better about all of this if I can at least do that.

I try not to over think as I make my way through the afternoon streets of New York. I notice a familiar corner and head towards it.

"Asteria! How you doin' girl! Clarence told us what happened!" I wave shyly at the group of homeless men walking up to me.

"I'm very sorry...I hit my head really hard and...well the doctors say I have amnesia. But I think I'm getting a memory back. I'm sorry I didn't bring my wallet! I can't even buy you food!" I tell them. I don't know why I didn't think to bring my purse.

"You kept us from being hungry plenty of times! We just wanted to see how you were doin'! Stay strong pretty girl!" I hug them all and thank them for being so sweet. They remind me that I can ask just about anyone on the street for help back home if I get lost and I'm thankful.

I'm surprised when I'm standing in front of a building that I've both never seen before but also recognize. I realize that I have no key but someone is leaving the building so I rush to the steps.

"Oh, hey Asteria! Tell Dave I said hi!" I giggle at the fact that he called Davey Dave and give him a small wave. I don't recognize him but I know I've found the right building and that's the best I can do. The first thing that comes to mind is 3H. That must be his apartment number. I take the elevator and knocm once I reach it. No answer. I'm disappointed but something tells me to check under his mat and I find a key.

When I go in I'm positive it's his apartment. A rush of farmiliarty overcomes me and I feel like I've even sat with Brendon on this couch. I decide to keep exploring, hoping for more recall in the process. I can't help but be slightly bothered by the mess but I doubt it's his fault when he's been so busy taking care of me.

Well, the best way to explore and try and remember would be to go through the apartment so it won't hurt if I do him a favor and clean up a little. Right? I take the hoodie off and start in the kitchen. Washing the dishes is my first trigger point. This apartment is a loaded gun.

I remember drinking out of these cups and eating out of these plates. I remember the pictures of us taped to his wall. I remember what he wears to the gym, what time he wakes up. If only I could remember these things about myself...

As I'm going through his room I find an old shirt at the bottom of his laundry hamper. I grimace and laugh at the memory of how we tried to kiss when we first moved here to see if maybe we should just live together and be in a relationship and how it ended up in us nearly crying out of disgust.

You're a beautiful girl but that's just gross, he told me. About an hour and a half goes by without me realizing it and I return to the hoodie to check my phone. I nearly drop it when I see the notifications. Fifty three texts and ninety two missed calls. All from Davey and Brendon.... I'm in so much trouble...

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now