We Are A Hurricane

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Yes! That went amazing! Maybe a little too amazing considering what happened...but good job, Brendon. You respected her. You respect her. God, she's amazing. Amazing and I'm- ow! Okay, don't walk into walls. Note taken. She's amazing and I'm in lo-

"Code red! We have a code red!" My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar shouting through the hall. Davey throws himself around the corner and immediately hooks his arm through mine.

"What are you doing?!" I shout at him as he practically dislocates my shoulder.

"I saw your car! Asteria! We need to get to her apartment!" He throws us into the elevator.

"David, what the fuck is going on?!" He catches his breath as we ride our way up to Asteria's floor.

"Her mom! She's here!" He gasps. "How long! Since you! Dropped her off!" He speaks brokenly through gasps for air. How far did he run?

"Like two minutes!"

"Oh God they're probably halfway through killing each other!" I remember the things Asteria told me on the train cart about her mother and her not getting along but is it really this bad?

"Davey, stop. Now," I command as he gets ready to race through the door. I instinctively push every button on the elevator.


"David. You're being fucking insane. You're freaking out over something that you don't even know is happening. You're not even giving Asteria and her mom an opportunity to talk. Calm the fuck down. Now." He stares at me, ready to argue but then just closes his mouth and lets out a sigh.

"Look, it's great that you're getting closer to her and all but don't act like you fucking know everything about her." His comment catches me off guard.

"Why the fuck are you acting like this, dude? Ever since she got her memory back you've been fucking weird about us."

"I just know you're going to hurt her." I feel my blood starting to boil.

"Did you for one fucking second think that maybe you actually fucking don't know me? Did it ever hit you that you have a micro-fucking-scopic idea of who I am as a person? How the fuck do you know she won't hurt me?! Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've even let myself talk to a girl for more than a couple of minutes before getting in bed with them?! Do you have any fucking idea why?!" He stares and the door opens to two younger guys who are questioning whether or not they should get in the elevator. They awkwardly step away and we continue our ascent. "Now I know you've known her all your life but it's been like three fucking years or something since she's seen her mom and you need to calm down, grow the fuck up, and take a step back."

His jaw is clenched and I'm positive he's going to hit me. Instead , he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Bee, I really care about her and I don't want her to get hurt." Something tells me he's talking about me and her mom at the same time. "Can't we just listen at the door or something?"

"Yes," I say instantly. I almost feel guilty but if it's so bad that he sprinted through the hall it must be awful and she really could get hurt. When we exit the elevator we both find her door and press our ears against it. At first it's hard to hear but I quickly pick up the sound of Asteria's voice.

"Yeah, so I had an accident and got hurt! But I'm fine! My ribs are healing and I'm okay!" She tells her mother.

"No, Asteria. You're packing your bags and we are going home." Davey and I look at each other wide eyed.

"No! I'm old enough to know which decision that I'm making is right and this is it! I'm doing well here! I'm working at an amazing record label doing what I love doing and I'm going to host an event in a few weeks! I'm not leaving!"

"Asteria you're always so stubborn. What on earth could possibly be keeping you here? You can get another job at another record label in California."

"I'm. Not. Going." She says angrily and I feel Davey tense up. He knocks. I shoot him a glare and he looks at me helplessly. It takes a moment before Asteria opens the door and I've never seen this side of her. She looks like she's ready to kill a man.

"Perfect, your friends came. Now you can say good bye and we can fly home tonight," her mother says coldly and I turn to see who it is that's trying to steal my goddess away from me. Her mother doesn't look like her. They have the same face but where Asteria is kind and loving her mother is cold and malicious.

"Mother, I'm staying in New York," she says with a low growl. Her mother glares at her. The room is silent for what seems like two hours.

"I hardly even know what's going on with you! If David hadn't told me about the incident I would have had no idea! And he tells me you're off seeing this man whore of a rock star that's going to destroy you! You're out of your mind, Asteria! You've lost your common sense!"

Am I ever gonna get a break?

"D-Davey? You told her? All of that?" Asteria's heart is broken and it's obvious in her eyes and voice when she turns to look at him. I have no idea what I'm doing but the next thing I know my fist meets Davey's jaw and his body meets the ground. Asteria looks at me with wild eyes and it's clear to me that there's a storm raging in both of our bodies.

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now