So Tell Me Right Now, You Think You're Ready For It?

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"I don't get how you even wrap these stupid things! Dal! Can you come in here for a sec!" I call into the other end of the suite. I hear him getting out of bed and grumbling about how I'm a pain in the ass. 

It's been three weeks and Asteria and I have been so busy I never got the chance to ask her what she wanted for Christmas. We've hardly spoken because of her finals crunch time and project deadlines at work. When we do talk, it's never anything serious. I try to keep the conversation light, knowing she'll want to talk about the letter in person. She's been in California for two days and we just got here last night. I didn't realize finals lasted so far into the month! I guess that's the price she pays for her Thanksgiving break.

"What do you want, Brendon? It's seven in the morning."

"I'm trying to wrap Asteria's gift and I have no idea how I'm going to do that." He looks at me like I'm an idiot.

He comes over, gives me a light shove and in about two minutes wraps it perfectly. Why is he good at this?

"Thanks," I mumble. He nods and goes back to bed. I rush to the restroom to shave and get ready. I'm really nervous. What if she doesn't like her present? I asked Davey and Pete and Greg and they all said she would but I'm still unsure. I should have asked Ana too but Davey was irritated enough when I talked to him because I was interrupting their day. Is she even ready to get this gift? Will she even want it after what happened at the airport?

I'm glad he and Asteria are close again. Even if it is really awkward at some points.

I hope her staying with her mom is okay...she didn't want to talk about staying at her mom's house at all. She snapped as soon as I brought it up and asked me to just drop the subject. Maybe I can talk to our tour manager and see if she can stay with us? I don't know...I don't know how to help her. I throw on my Christmas sweater. This should at least cheer her up. It's the most ridiculous sweater I've ever seen. I had to get it. I laugh quietly at the hideous Christmas tree covered in bells and push the button on my sleeve to turn the lights on. She's going to be so embarrassed when she sees me, it's going to be awesome. I grab the present and head downstairs, taking a hoodie with me because I know she'll make me change.

My navigation system seems to have a very inaccurate idea of Christmas day traffic...Twenty seven minute car ride my ass. I was on that freeway for an hour and a half! Dammit, Los Angeles. I finally pull up to the complex and park outside. I dial her number, unsure of which condo her mother lives in and not willing to go through the maze to find it. I've waited long enough to see her. I don't want to wait another hour while I get lost here. 

"Hey, you're here?" she asks nervously. 

"Yup! Can you come meet me outside?"

"Oh, okay. Sure. I'll be right out." She hangs up and my stomach tightens. She's going to hate her gift. What if I just say I didn't get her one? No, that's a little fucked up. Crap.

My heart leaps as I see a glisten of deep silver and I'm shocked when I see that she's added a deep forest green to the bottom of her hair. Where does she get all of this hair dye from? I get out of the car, awful present in hand. 

"Hey beautiful!" I run up to her and give her a squeeze. She hugs me back and rests her head on my chest.

"I missed you." She says this quietly but I can hear exactly how much she meant it. I kiss her forehead and she pulls me by the shirt collar and kisses me harder than she ever has. My senses become overwhelmed with her and when she pulls away I'm hungry for more. "What is that?"

She points at the small box in my hand and I look at her, embarrassed. I shouldn't have gotten her this. I haven't even told her...

"Um, it's your Christmas gift," I say shyly. A huge grin spreads across her face.

"I got you something too! Let's go inside so you can open it!" She grabs my hand but I stay in my place. 

"I don't think you should open this in front of your mom," I tell her and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Why?! Is it a thong?!" I burst into laughter and she gives me a shove.

"No, it's not a thong! It's just personal, okay?!" She lets out an irritated sigh and I get one of her very missed eye rolls. She rushes into her mother's condo, which was actually only one door away from the one I parked in front of and I feel like an idiot. She comes out with a box that's as big as she is and it's wrapped really well. Dammit!

"Here you go! You first!" She says excitedly. I hand her her gift after taking my own and shake the box. She giggles. 

When I open the present my jaw drops. I pull the pick guard out of the box and she shifts uncomfortably as I look at her and back at the coolest thing anyone has ever given me. It's for my '72 Fender. I don't even know how she knew exactly which guitar I liked using the most. She's painted a series of sound waves and they spell out my band's name. I gently trace my hand over the words. Panic! At The Disco. 

"You drew this?" I ask her.

"Well, I painted it, yeah," she smiles and pushes her hair behind her ear, like she always does when she's nervous. "Do you like it?"

"I fucking love it," I tell her and squeeze her as tight as I can. "I'm going to get them to put it on for tomorrow's show! I can't wait!" 

She giggles and I look down at hers. The nerves make their way back into my stomach.

"Go ahead," I tell her and she immediately starts picking the tape off of the wrapping paper of the small box. She pulls the lid off and stares at it. I don't know if she hates it or just doesn't know what it is...

"B-Brendon?" She says and she looks up at me, teary-eyed. Nailed it.

"Yes, Asteria?"


I cup her face in my hands and she searches mine for answers.

"I love you." She blinks slowly, taking in the words. "And I know I have a hard time saying it, but I guess I just wanted you to be able to see it, even if you can't always hear it."

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