You Fooled Me Once With Your Eyes Now Honey

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"I can't believe he was just there and completely naked!" I shout as soon as we leave the class. I was so caught off guard I dropped half of my things and everyone laughed, including Brendon. "I mean I had no warning! I didn't think- I don't know I didn't expect it! I was fine after getting used to it but my God!"

Davey starts laughing as we get closer and I continue to talk about my first time drawing from life. We had to awkwardly explain to the entire class and the model what happened which was awful and this has just been the day that needs to end. I'm so glad that this is my last day of classes and I get to go on a date with Brendon tomorrow. This week has been beyond exhausting and I'm sure we're all feeling it. Brendon's phone rings and he awkwardly steps to the side to answer.

"Uh oh, guys do that when they have a side chick," Davey says as he nudges me. Not funny.

"Not now, Davey. I'm tired."

"N-no...I haven't told her yet," Brendon says as he looks over to me. Davey and I both shoot up to high alert and look at each other with wide eyes. "Yeah, look I have to go. I'll talk to her right now."

All of this tension and stress are really making my head and ribs hurt. I'm ready to go to bed and I still have to do my math homework. Gross.

"Asteria, can I ask you something?" Brendon says once he's off the phone.

"Um, sure?"

"Look, I know that we have our date tomorrow," he starts and my stomach tightens. Is he cancelling? "But the guys and I, we have a radio interview and...well..."

He is cancelling! What a jerk!

"I was wondering if you wanted to come so that we could go out right after," he shuffles his feet. Wait what?

"Wait...what?" I ask aloud after thinking it.

"They want to meet you again and think it's a good idea for me to take you." I stand and stare at Brendon, unsure if he's joking but after a while Davey nudges me back into reality.

"Uh- yeah! Yeah I can do that!" I say excitedly. I get to meet Dallon!

"Great. I'll let them know. They've been bothering me all day. You look like you're ready to go home?" I nod quickly and him and Davey both laugh.

When we get to my apartment building I fumble with my gate keys. They wait patiently but I don't know how to tell them without hurting their feelings...

"Um, guys?" They both give me their attention. "Do you think...I could have some alone time? I really appreciate all of your help with everything but I just really want to take a nap and do my math homework...And I feel bad that you guys have been constantly watching over me and I think that maybe if I'm alone for a little while I'll feel better. I'm just exhausted and really nervous and I don't get what this feeling is but I feel really pressured..."

"It's your anxiety, munchkin. We'll give you some space. You seem like you'll be okay for a little while. Call us if you need us," Davey says and Brendon tries to object but I'm grateful when Davey kisses the top of my head and shoves Brendon toward me to do the same. He gives me a quick peck on the lips before they watch me go into the apartment. I can tell that they're nervous but I just can't breathe. I don't remember the last time I was alone. Too long ago is the only answer I can think of. I decide that maybe some relaxation is exactly what I need. I run the hot water into the tub, toss in much more bubbles than necessary, and tie my hair up as I watch my bubble mountain grow. I quickly surround the tub with candles and play music on my phone as I soak in the warm water and enjoy the time that I have to myself. The soothing sounds of the Smiths lull me into a trance and without realizing it, I fall asleep.

I wake up to my phone ringing and realize that I was asleep in my tub for so long that the water is cold, I'm shivering, and two hours have passed.

"Davey?" I say into the phone with a hoarse voice.

"How are you doing, munchkin?" he asks cautiously.

"I'm fine...totally fine." I don't want him to know I fell asleep in the tub. "Just woke up from my nap and was about to start my math homework."

I'm shivering and trying not to make it noticeable. I carefully and quietly get out of the tub to start drying off.

"Okay, just checking. You sound cold, do you know how to turn your heater on?" He asks. Great. I actually really could use that help.

" could you just guide me through it on the phone?" I ask, teeth chattering.

"Asteria why are you being so weird? Brendon and I are coming up, we brought dinner."

"No wait I-" he hangs up and I quickly start blowing out the candles and trying to put them away and drain the water. I'm able to get them all back in their tray and the tray back on the counter before I realize that I left the bathroom door open. By the time I notice it's too late to rush to my room and they both step into the doorway. Who does that? Couldn't they call my name first? I'm still pretty wet and this towel isn't doing the best job at covering me up, it's much smaller than I thought. Brendon doesn't say a word and just stares into the doorway. Davey shoves him aside and they both look at me with blushing and I'm sure my face is fully red despite the cold. I adjust the towel uncomfortably and clear my throat. Davey snaps out of it and heads toward my room.

"I um...I took a bath," I say quietly. Brendon slowly walks toward me and as he gets closer I notice that his pupils are dilated. He's looking at me maybe he's in love...

"You're shivering," he whispers as he bites his lip and he pushes a stray strand of hair that was too short to fit in my bun behind my ear. I nod and he places his hands on my hips. The warmth from his hands radiate into my body and the sensation only gets stronger as he pulls me into him.

"My God, Asteria," he whispers as he wraps his arms around me and trails his fingertips along my shoulder blades. I'm breathing just as heavy as he is as he starts kissing his way from my forehead to my jaw to my neck. I feel my body go weak as soon as he gets to it as he softly trails his lips along my collar bone and back up to my throat, making small sucking gestures as he does so. My entire body is responding to his warmth and affection and my head is spinning. I haven't known him long but I feel ready. A part of me wants him to pick me up and put me on the counter but another part is telling me to wait. I don't have the time to decide because Davey taps on the door as Brendon makes his way to my shoulders.

"Y-yeah?" I stutter. Brendon grins and bites his lip when he pulls away.

"I brought you your robe," Davey calls in. He sounds angry.

"You first, I need a minute," Brendon tells me and I'm confused but I step outside, thankful for the soft robe that Davey hands me. I rush to my room to warm up but hear Davey storm into the bathroom and I think I hear my candles falling...

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