Give Me Malice

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I'm so angry at this point that I'm ready to just call off this interview completely but I can't ruin her career. I have to win her back. She takes a deep breath and motions for me to head over. 

"Let's just get this over with," she sighs. I try to contain myself.

"Asteria, can we talk after this?" She glares back at me. "You need to at least give me an opportunity to talk to you."

"After you invited an ex to your hotel room the first night of your tour?" she says coldly. I prepare myself for an objection but the interview starts before I get the chance.

"Alright I am here with vocalist of Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie!" She says excitedly. What a class act. "First, I have to ask, how is the tour life treating you and is it as hard for you as it is for me?" 

She smiles sweetly and I'm completely confused until I see the paper she's holding at her side. They fucking wrote out questions for her? I might as well be honest...

"I'm sure it's harder," I say and I grab her hand. She flinches. "You've been so busy getting ready for this event. And you're always on my mind when I'm up there performing and I'm always wishing you could be there." 

She stares me down and I'm secretly pleading for her forgiveness or at least a chance to explain myself. She jumps to the next question.

"What has your favorite song been to perform on the tour?" 

"We do a small intercession bit where I sing The End of All Things and that's the song that really gives me faith in us, it's the song that makes me want to be around you the most." I can see her fighting an eye roll and she seems hurt. I didn't realize that I'd probably be hurting her saying these things...She's on the verge of tears. But they aren't the kind that the camera thinks they are, these are tears of anger and disappointment and I feel them coming from my eyes as well. We look around us and realize we're surrounded by a crowd of people, some we know and some we don't. She looks at me and struggles to maintain her posture as she continues the interview.

"What's the hardest part of touring?" she asks, lips trembling. And before I have to even think about it I answer.

"Being away from you." She's holding in sobs and so am I and everyone is watching and the camera is still rolling.

"No, really," she asks, hoping for a different answer.

"Being away from the person I'm in love with," I say quietly. She freezes and before finishing the interview turns to run, leaving the microphone and her question sheet. I look at Dallon and he nods and before I know it I'm trying to figure out how to run in a suit. 

I see her down the hallway and I struggle to catch up to her. I know I wouldn't be able to if she wasn't in a dress, I'd really better start working out. She looks back and picks up her pace and I scream her name. She finally stops running and when I'm caught up to her she can't stop crying.

"Why would you do that to me?" she asks between gasps and sobs.

"Asteria you don't understand-"

"No Brendon, you don't understand. A relationship is a commitment. You don't just have someone in your room your first night away from me, that's not how these things work!" She covers her face with her hands before she continues. "Why would you even think it would be okay to kiss me? Why would you say those things infront of all of those people? Especially the last thing that you said? Why would you say that if you didn't mean it? Why would you go out of your way to hurt me like this? She was right, you're just trying to get what you want and I can't let you just sit here and destroy me! I don't care who she was but she's right!" 

She pushes me away and starts running, this time I know I won't catch her. This time she's doesn't want to be caught...

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