Isn't She A Dream Come True

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I'm terrified. I don't think I've ever been this afraid to pick a girl up from home. My shirt is buttoned, my blazer is on, I ironed my pants. There's still some light out and I leave an hour early. Don't be late, she said. I put her address into my phone's GPS and start up the engine.

I make a put stop at Kenny's. I need a pep talk without judgemental looks.

"Hey man! You look good!" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Ken, can I come in?" I must look scared shitless because he pulls me in.

"You look like you might faint. I'll get you a glass of water." He heads into the kitchen and I head into the living room.

"What the fuck?" Dallon and Daniel say at the same time. I just swallow nervously and I'm grateful when Kenneth hands me a glass of water. I start drinking immediately.

"Oh. My. God." Dallon's jaw hits the floor. "You're seeing her again?"

My hands are shaking and I nod. He opens his mouth to say something, then stops and hesitates.

"You like her. Like you're actually interested in her value as a human being."

"Yeah. Look I don't wanna mess up you guys she has this guy friend-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. She's got a guy and she's going with you anyway?" Daniel jumps in

"It's not like that," Kenneth interjects. "He's more like older brother? A dad? I don't know what the fuck he is but he's not her boyfriend."

"So are you nervous about taking her out or nervous about the guy?" Dallon asks.

"I'm nervous that my usual sit won't work and she'll realize she's too good to be out with me." A sarcastic and simultaneous 'awh' escapes them and I roll my eyes, hopefully with the same amount of conviction Asteria has when she does it.

"Look, Brendon. Be yourself. Not your player self or your I'm trying to sleep with you self and especially not your I'm the lead singer of a band self." I nod, heeding Daniel's advice.

"I'm just scared I guess. Why the fuck are you guys here?"

"Movie night."

"Right...k well while you guys watch some lame ass movie I'll be out with a really hot girl, you guys have fun." I turn on one heel and step out the door, hoping they understood that to be a thank you.

I don't know why I didn't assume she lived near Central Park. Not right next to it, but pretty close. Her building is nice, surprisingly nice for a college student in an internship. No wonder she doesn't dorm if she gets to live here. I ring the buzzer and I'm suddenly something out of some cheesy chick flick while I hear the static as she gets ready to ask who it is.

"Ow, fuck, stupid piece of shit. Hello????" I laugh at her expense and respond.

"Asteria? It's me. I'm two minutes early. Didn't wanna be late," I say. I practically feel her rolling here eyes and the door unlocks. I step in and take the elevator to her floor. I walk through and smile at the little cat head hanging as a decoration on her door. I take a deep breath. Breathe Brendon. You can do this. You've been out with plenty of girls...just...none like this. I give the door a light knock and debate on retreating back to the elevator. I'm glad I don't when she opens it and my breath completely leaves my body at the sight of her.

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt