Nothing Really Mattered Except For Me To Be With You

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I watch all of her emotions as I tell her how we met. Her head lifts with pride as I tell her about designing our single art. Her eyes roll and she let's out a small "ugh" when I tell her about how I bothered her in the break room. Her face lights up when I tell her about when we ate lunch. As I'm talking I realize that all of this feels like a much longer period of time than just over a week ago. The days and nights have been long and I'm closer to her than I should be.

"But, Asteria..." I grab her hands and look into her eyes. "Things went...wrong."

She furrows her brow and I can tell she's nervous.

"Before I met you...I really didn't want anything serious with anyone. And when I first met you...I saw you as...a challenge..." She starts to pull her hands away from mine but I hold them a little tighter. "Asteria...please listen...I didn't know what you were like and after our was different. I felt you were something good for me. It was like having my first cigarette. I just kept wanting more of you. And I learned about you and you're're incredible, Asteria."

She watches me hesitantly and swallows hard before asking the question I don't want to answer.

"So what went wrong?" I can't look at her at this point, knowing it's my fault that she's in this mess.

"You got scared. You asked me if I was playing games with you when I first met you and if I wanted anything from it...and I couldn't answer. But, Asteria, I have an answer for you now. It's late, I know that, but I hope it's still worth something. I shouldn't have let you walk away. I should have told you the truth. I should have said everything I just told you and more than that. I should have told you that I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and that I want to change for you. Please give me that chance..."

She looks at me and I look back at her with watery eyes. She pulls her hands away from mine and I think at first that she doesn't want anything to do with me, just like before. But she grabs my shirt collar and pulls me in to kiss me. It's brief and sweet before she pulls away.

"Thank you for telling me...even though you didn't have to. I don't even remember it. And...I have a temper. So...whatever happened. Just forget it okay? I know I did," she says with a small laugh. I shake my head at her and Davey calls us and tells us the pizza is here.

The rest of the night is spent with Asteria being hysterically excited over stuffed crust pizza and the fact that she owns a sequel to The Dark Knight that she had no idea existed. She shows so much emotion throughout the movie. Her eyes widen at the sight of Bane, she scoffs over Harvey Dent being celebrated, and she makes small comments throughout the entire movie as though she hasn't seen it probably a good thirty times.

"Man that was such a good movie! Bane was all "you merely adopted the dark, I was born in it"! And batman was all fuck you Bane I healed up from my broken spine and you're done bitch! Man! That's crazy!" Davey and I laugh as she shows extreme amounts of excitement and makes various hand gestures as she speaks. My personal favorite was her impression of Bane that she cupped her hands over her mouth to do.

"Okay kid, you've gotta get to bed." Davey tousles her hair and she gives him a small shove.

"I'm not tired!" I laugh at their exchange. It finally hits me that Davey doesn't see her as a sister, he sees her as a daughter.

"You'd better get real tired real quick because it's almost midnight and you have to be ready and out of the door by 8:00 in the morning." He points in the direction of her room and spins her around.

"What was I thinking?! Why so early?!" Davey and I both laugh.

"It was the only time available for your math class."

"Ew!" She shouts and I laugh.

"It won't be so bad, Asteria. I mean, I have to be there until you either get your memory back or get used to your routine so at least you'll have some company?" I offer. She smiles and nods.

"See? Now go to bed! I'll be back in the morning. Brendon can stay with you tonight, right Brendon?"

"Yeah, of course." He gives me a thankful smile before he grabs a blanket and pillow for the couch and heads out. I'm thankful that he had me keep a bag with clean clothes with me.

I take out my pajamas as Asteria takes care of her evening routine which involves humming while she brushes her teeth. Those painkillers helped and I'm thankful for it. Once I'm changed and she comes out of the bathroom I help her learn how to use her smart phone to set an alarm. We decide that tomorrow I'll help her with relearning social media.

"What the hell is vine?" I smile at her and take my phone out to show her. I hold it out in front of us.

"Give me a kiss." She leans in before thinking about it and gives me a quick peck on the lips and I laugh. I show her the video and then post it.

"Wait now everyone can see that?!"


"But I'm not wearing make up!"

"And you're still incredibly beautiful."
She gives me a shy smile and her pale skin flushes pink.

"Good night, Brendon." She heads to her room, smart phone in hand, and I don't lie down until her light turns off. Once I've lied down on the couch my phone goes off. It's Dallon.

So are you two like a thing now? Is that why you just disappeared?

It's complicated. Let's get coffee soon.

Kenneth is asking too.

Tell him its complicated! We'll get coffee soon!

Okay. Don't forget. We're going to an interview at 97.5 next week.

I smack my forehead. How could I forget? I haven't practiced at all. Maybe Asteria will want to come with me to practice...and she can sit with the engineers. It'll be fine. This can work. I can do this.

And what about when you tour, you moron.

I mentally kick my inner thoughts and decide to put that off for right now for the sake of sleep. The faint smell of vanilla, the smell of Asteria, soothes me as I drift off.

Caught In The Way You Got Me (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now