A Lonely Speaker In A Conversation

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"You're going to love this one!" Ana the sales associate tells me. She said that about maybe five dresses already but this time she seems like she guarantees it.

"I mean, I loved every single one but if this one is really that special then-"

I catch a glimpse of the goddess and practically give myself whiplash when I quickly turn to take her all in. The way that her silver hair falls over just one shoulder does something to the dress that I picked for her. The dress falls on every perfect curve of her body and I get nervous just looking at her. I can tell she likes it too because of the way she shyly continues to look at it.

I don't realize that I'm talking until she smiles and nods at me. I'm fixated on her beauty. It isn't until they both go back into the fitting room that I'm able to gather my thoughts and I find myself in a panic. I can't mess this up. I can't lose the only chance I have with someone like her.

We spend the rest of the day choosing jewelry and I find myself excited to see what the goddess looks like the night of. I've got two weeks with her and I'm going to make them count.

"Brendon?" She asks shyly as we head to her apartment.

"What's up sweetheart?"

"Can you come to the dinner with me?" I smile and nod but keep my eyes on the road. I'll have to find an excuse to leave them alone for a little while so she can really just talk with her mom. When we arrive she gets out of the car in a very awkward fashion and I wait for her to come down with her mother. They walk awkwardly side by side and it doesn't seem like they've said much to each other.

"So Brendon, Asteria says she got to design a cover for your band," her mother says in an almost questioning tone.

"Yeah! She did an amazing job."

"I also heard the song on the radio today, they mentioned Asteria before introducing it."

"What?!" We both turn to ask.

"The radio announcer said it was ironic that Brendon's new girlfriend did the artwork for a song about an old girlfriend and talked about how it must be nice to have a boyfriend to give you opportunities for your career. They also said you are starting a singing career, Asteria. Is that true?"
Asteria looks at me and we're both fuming with anger.

"Mom, do you know what radio station that was?" She asks. She's breathing heavy and I know she's partly mad at me.

"The one that's already programmed on your radio clock, I didn't change it."

"That asshole!" We both yell simultaneously. Her mom laughs but Asteria puts her head in her hands. I take one hand off the wheel and rub her back. She sighs and I'm hurt and surprised when she lightly pulls my hand away. She leans back into the seat and sighs. I'm relieved of the awkward silence in the car when we finally arrive to the diner.

Twenty minutes into the dinner no one has said a word. I'm surprised when Asteria finally speaks first.

"Mom, I'm staying in New York. I know that bad things have happened to mW here but they're going to happen anywhere and I don't want to live in fear and deprive myself of something I love. I love being in New York. I loved it before I even got my internship or met Brendon. This is where I want to be. I want to be here." She looks her mother in the eyes and she's pleading for her to be okay with it. Her mom stares at her for a very long time but finally takes a deep breath.

"We never really were a good pair were we?" Her mother says and she shakes her head. "You've never truly felt like my child. I won't keep you. Consider this burying the hatchet. I'd just like to know how youre doing more often."

I'm shocked by that statement but Asteria is unphased and my heart aches for the girl that has no parents. I want her to meet mine when she comes with me for the tour. Dinner is spent with small talk and a few nice girls asking for a picture not of me but of me and Asteria. She seems to soften up which is nice...I don't want her to be angry with me over the song when I leave...

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