Chapter 6

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Jenna's Pov:
(9:25 am)
looking at Leo felt comfortable for some odd reason, i don't know what i'm feeling and why looking at her makes me think and act this way but i wasn't digging it at all, like i said i don't do dating or crushes, as much as i'm trying to hold this back i keep slipping up but i just have to force myself not to engage

our eye contact was strong at the moment and pleasing so i didn't wanna look away just yet, not that my body would listen if i wanted to anyway, i had zoned out when the teacher had made her loud entrance in the classroom, "everybody stand up!" she demanded slightly shouting after slamming the door closed, i squirmed in my seat confused looking around the room finally standing up as everyone else was

she stood behind her desk with her arms crossed observing every inch of the room while take in sharp breaths and deeply exhaling, she looked pissed and was about to crack, "seating will be rearranged and after that i have a couple things i'd like to run by all of you!" she commanded, her eyes were wide open and she was chewing the inside of her cheek from anger

i started to get nervous from the shouting but i was able to contain myself as it wasn't that bad, "look down at your desks, if you don't see your name on the papers i have place in-front of you move! Until you find your name and sit down!" her face was now red from yelling as the situation started to feel more intense, everyone had started to walk around the room looking over the desks to find their names, so i proceeded to do so

i walked over a couple desks until i saw my name on a desk across the room from my original one, i took my seat not noticing the name next to me but it wasn't too long until the person assigned next to me sat down, i can't believe this is happening right now, "hey.." i put fourth not thinking at all, "hi.." Leo responded still expressionless, my eyes were running around every object in the room, everywhere except them

i had started to act really weird and feel the side of my body that was faced towards her tense up while i was rubbing my hands against the sides of my thighs as my palms got sweaty, and readjusting myself on my seat since i'm short my feet didn't reach the ground, i was trying to avoid the fact i'm sitting next to them but all of that went away when the teacher slammed her ruler on her desk almost shattering it into pieces drawing every bodies attention to her

Nobodies Pov:
a tiny sweat drop rolled down the side of the teachers face while she was breathing noticeably loud, she looked at everyone in the room before she started, "do any of you in this fucking room understand what i had to go through yesterday?" she asked with a shaky voice cause by her nerves, "do any of you understand!!?" she was now completely shouting staring blankly across the class, Jenna slightly jumped in her seat causing her hand to shift to Leo's pants once again but this time without grabbing onto him

she lightly pressed 2 fingers against his knee to reassure herself that she's safe, Leo took notice and silently moved closer, "you almost fucked my reputation up with your stupid jokes and teenage hormones!!" the teacher had completely went off yelling at everyone, and Jenna was getting more and more anxious to the point she tightly gripped Leo's knee cause him to fully turn his head to look at her, she had a very anxious look on her face and her body was all stiff, frozen in place the only thing moving was her bouncing leg against the chair and her chest rapidly moving up and down

Leo noticed she was silently panicking and it was only getting worse and without giving it anymore thought he reached with  his own hand down to his knee calmly releasing Jenna's fingernails that had dug into the side of their knee, Jenna then acknowledged what she had done and quickly looked down at her hand and his, before she could jerk her arm away from him he had released all her fingers from their knee and was now sliding their hand into hers

Jenna understood everything that was happening at the moment between them but she just let it be, cause as much as she would never give into situations like this she was actually beginning to calm down and take control of her breathing while her vision fixed from being blurry as tears had started to form on her eyes, she was calming down at the supportive touch, and actually felt at ease

Jenna's Pov:
what the actual shit, am i seriously relying on someone else's touch? and how is this actually working, how am i not freaking out when the teacher has been going over board about the blood in the frog, the fight, and the injuries from yesterday for the last 10 minutes and she looked like she was about to pull her hair out, i was actually comfortable and cool headed while holding Leo's hand, i was holding her damn hand, i took a quick glance at him and as always he was un phased with a slight serious expression

i was shocked he hadn't let go of me even though i collected myself and i know he knew, what is going on right now, are they giving me signs, are they just worried, this can't be nothing they seem so introverted i don't think she goes around just holding peoples hands, why haven't i pulled away yet?, why hasn't he?
"You too Leo!!" my thoughts were quickly interrupted when the teacher mentioned him, my grip got stronger as i squeezed his hand, and he slightly squeezed back, what the fuck

"i apologize there were many ways i could have handled that and i do regret my actions, i'm sorry to tanner as well" he apologized to the teacher and the boy he held down yesterday on the floor, the teacher sighed shaking her head as she took in their apology, i was looking up at him when he seemed a little apologetic but genuine not nervous or upset at all, any expression they make either it's with their body or face is very low toned and almost unnoticeable, and i have no fucking idea why i noticed that or how, our hands were still together hidden between my side of the thigh and theirs, our fingers slowly intertwined, completely on their own, no force just naturally done, omg..

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now