Chapter 66

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Leo's Pov:

I inserted the key, then clicked the door open, i'm having tremendous flashbacks of the dream.. I kicked the door closed with the heel of my foot, then hurried over to the bed, i laid her down on the mattress, then hovered over her, she looked at me with starving eyes, like she was staring at a god, and i'm sure i was doing the same.

She started to breathe somewhat heavily, i climbed on the bed, as her head rested between my arms that were pinned down to hold me up, my breath started to get shaky, as Jenna had started to subtly undo her dress, my eyes slightly shot open, then i felt my chest collapse, is she really gonna do this with me? What do i do??

She was starting to unlace it faster and faster, i processed the situation, then i followed along starting to unbutton my shirt, she smirked in response, as she was almost done undressing. I got down to the last 2 buttons, then her dress slipped right off.. Falling on the floor as it untangled from her feet, i was right on top of her..

Just staring her down could make me have an 'orgasm'? If that's what it's called.. I was stunned, i couldn't move or finish unbuttoning my shirt.. She looked up at me as a very sexy grin formed on her face, she was laying below me with her bra and underwear.. That matched.. I didn't know what my next move could be.

"don't be shy.." she whispered, as her grin only got bigger, and her perfectly straight teeth sparkled, "I- Um.." I tried to put two words together, but no luck, i squinted my eyes shut, then started to shake my head.. Is this real..? I stood up with force, trying to comprehend wether this is a dream or not.

It definitely wasn't, Jenna curled up her legs on my mattress, and sat up, "hey.. Are you ok?" she worried, trying to examine me while the room was dark, only the light of the moon shined through my window, that's about all the light resource we had, i rubbed my eyelids, "yes yes, i'm ok.. Are you ok?" i blurted.

Jenna squinted her eyes at me, appearing to be very collected, and i was on the verge of freaking out, "Leo" she spoke softly staring at me intensely, with her hands behind her, stuck on the mattress holding her up, i faced her once more, "yea" i gulped, "come here" she whispered, and the sweet tune of her voice brushed against my ears.

I let a weighted breath out as my chest deflated, i placed my hands on my hips, then gave her a nod, i slowly approached the bed, as she slid forward, then dropped her feet down, and sat straight, she grabbed my hips looking up at me, with gorgeous intriguing eyes, and wet lips, "we don't have to do this" she assured, i took a deep breath in glaring down at her.

"i want to do this Jen.." i confessed, roughly getting it out, she seemed skeptical, "so do i but.." she glanced to the side for a moment, "but what" i continued, "Leo there's something i need to tell you." she stood up, i took a step back, as her hands rested on my hips,
"i'm a virgin.." she spat, looking embarrassed.

i parted my lips to speak, but was quickly interrupted, "i have no experience, and honestly i don't want to rush into anything, i would really like to do something more with you.. But i don't know what. I hope you understand what i'm trying to say-" she ranted in fear, shifting her eyes left and right, while her breathing pattern had completely changed.

"i do, i do understand" i put my palms on her shoulders, and felt her warm tanned skin, so smooth.. "i want the same thing, i am also a virgin and i don't want to take big steps here, but i'd like something.. More too.." i reassured, trying to explain how i want to take this to the next level, but not entirely, she looked at me with hope and comfort.

She was kind of wide eyed, "you knew i'm a virgin.. Didn't you" i observed her, she grimaced, "i'm sorry.." she closed her eyes, i exhaled leaving a calm breath exit my nose, i didn't mind, "i'm guessing Niki let you in on this?" i hypothetically thought, she nodded discreetly, "Niki knows who to talk to and who to not, and what to say, if she told you this about me then she sees something in you" i reasoned.

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now