Chapter 64

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Leo's Pov:

(10:15 pm)

Time's passing by, and were gonna be taking attendance in a little while, the salad we ordered with Jenna had arrived, i ate half of it, leaving the rest for her. This happened about 30 minutes ago, i played solitaire with chance 3 times, Alana and Jenna's other friend Ria were very close this entire time, i think they might be a thing, its cute honestly.

As i overthought the possibility of Jenna getting hurt.. She walks into the restaurant, with Jessie.. She must know now, i was bracing myself, and i dont really know what for, maybe shes mad at me, maybe she thinks im interested in Jessie and not her, which is far from the truth, Jenna has always stood out in the crowd..

They swiftly stepped in the tavern making their way towards the table, Jessie sat next to Alana and Ria, as Jenna was hugging them both, then she straightened up and flashed them a smile, after greeting them for the second time tonight, she came over to my side of the table, and sat right next me.. Just where she sat before she had to go.

Jenna held a cute, warm, comforting smile across her lips as she faced me once again, and as irresistable as she is.. She's also very contagious, so of course i smiled back, i didnt care who might've viewed me at that point, which i call my breaking point, hence why i never express myself through facial reactions, however.. Whenever i come across her.. Its all normal.

Her dimples satisfyingly pirced through her cheeks, and her freckles dazzled on her sweet face, she glanced at the table, maintaining that adorable expression.. Was she glowing? She looks like a saint.. She took notice of the half eaten salad, then slightly scoffed through her nostrils, and placed her fingers on the bridge of her nose.

"you left that for me?" she cutely guessed, while pointing at the half full bowl, i nodded discreetly, hinting a little shyness. She grabbed my fork.. My fork.. And started to pick the lettuce, she shoved a handful in her mouth.. She's hot and a messy eater.. It doesn't get any better than this.

She scraped the sauce from the corner of her mouth, then side eyed me, i was acting like a creep watching a girl eat, thankfully she giggled.. "what..?" she cheerfully muffled, "nothing nothing.." i rapidly shook my head then throwing my eyes on the other side of the room. She continued to stare, with a bright look on her face.

"you're eyes glowed when i grabbed your fork.." she mentioned with a sexy smirk, chewing slowly and cutely, "were you not expecting that?" she played around with the fork while raising an eyebrow, "i mean.." i rubbed the back of my neck.. Trying to appear as unbothered as possible, she checked me out before answering.

"why would i be disgusted anyway?" she swallowed, then grinned, hinting our make out in the bathroom of the airport.. It was the best 4 minutes of my life, i got lost in her lips, i feel like i know Jenna way better now, like we connected on a different level. The corners of my mouth quirked up, then my face flushed, once again i turned away.

She giggled to herself, while continuing her food.. Eventually they took attendance, then we were off to spend our first night in Japan, the hotel is nice in my opinion, it might be small but it's comfortable, and i like the fact that it involves nature. I was walking towards the building, Jenna was just beside me, but i didn't even notice, it had become a habit by now.

We reached the entrance, then walked up to the elevator, as soon as her friends and Chance saw Jenna and I waiting outside the doors, they rushed to take the stairs, i sighed, meanwhile Jenna silently chuckled, glancing at me with a knowing look. Jenna was acting very strange, not in a bad way, she's just never this quirky, or.. Sexually attractive? I let my head hang from my shoulders with a nervous smile.

We entered the elevator, and pressed the button to the third floor, it felt like ages until we arrived, i stood silently, as Jenna leaned against the railing, she's so majestic at times.. I just can't believe she's real.. And around me. The lift finally stopped at our floor, a cheerful ding filled the space as the doors slowly separated,

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now