Chapter 54

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Leo's Pov:
(9:17 am)

The sun was brightly shining through the big windows, the smell of the airport was intriguing, and the Japanese letters around the surfaces of posters and banners was really helping me settle into this new reality, i was super stoked about spending a week at my favorite island country, especially since there's a special someone here with me..

Standing over the baggage carousel, i had leaned up against the wall, waiting for Chance to pick up his 2 damn bags, as i only had one, and a back pack. I traveled down to my own little world of thoughts and daydreams, Jenna was of course the hot topic, she's really precious, her face and all the details of her characteristics, i observe every inch of her skin first chance i get..

She's so unbelievably enchanting.. I lose my mind every time she looks at me, whenever her eyes align with mine it makes me go insane, i never show a hint of it though, then again i never show any emotion at all. The amount of power this girl has over me is ridiculous, everything about her is perfect.. It's all so alluring, her body is extraordinary as well,

I try to be a gentleman in these situations, and even though no one can hear me when i think, i still try to respect her, not that it's hard. I just can't sit there and start describing things like i'm some frat boy, that comments their girl's vagina, or breasts, that's disgusting, for me at least.. I understand a few of them don't mean to be rude.. But in some sense, they do objectify their women in some ways.

In conclusion i am not into that kind of commentary, i rather compliment her personality and soul, rather than how big or small her chest is.. And to that mention.. Her chest drastically invites me.. I have never had these kinds of ideas, i always thought it's something unnecessary, but not only is it thoughts.. These are turning into desires, and for some odd reason it doesn't bother me.

As i was thinking about Jenna, and her breathtakingly marvelous appearance, like this girl is insanely astounding. A quick concern crossed my mind.. Am i ready? And i do not mean relationship, or kiss which we already did, i meant.. physical intimacy.. My eyes widened as i was staring at the same corner for five minutes now.. I started to lightly bite my inner cheek,

I started to inhale and exhale through my nose, faster than i was before.. Am i ready? Do i want this? Do i want her? All i know is that i would give anything to please this girl.. Even if it meant going down on her? Oh my lord what am i thinking.. This is Jenna Ortega we're talking about she would puke.. But wait.

She didn't puke when she was passionately smacking lips with me, or when she was subtly riding me! Yes i still haven't forgot about that, and i wouldn't mind if it happened again.

Nobodies Pov:

Leo was a mental mess. Drowning in questions and fears that flooded his head over time, luckily Chance had finally gathered all of his bags, and made his way over to Leo, interrupting their contemplation, and debating, putting a firm end to it, "hey!! Let's get down to China town!!" Chance squealed, with a huge back pack on his back, and two big bags under his arms,

Leo stood up from leaning onto the wall on his side, then frowned looking down at his friend's baggage, his head tilted downwards creating creases on his scar, as he observed the mass Chance was carrying, "do you.. Need help..?" Leo pondered in doubt and confusion, after all they only had one bag to carry, "man honestly the adrenaline rush just hit me so i'm good to go" he lisped, with a wide grin covering half of his face,

Leo set his lips on a hard line then nodded tightly, he picked up his bag from off the floor and led the way outside the airport. Jenna was already inside the first bus, waiting for the rest of the students to settle so they could begin heading to Tichu mountain, Leo and Chance were one of the last people to exit the airport, hence why Leo was displeasingly side eyeing Chance,

But Chance was just a happy star struck little kid, that just got to Japan and didn't know shit. He was so excited he couldn't care less what other people thought or said. Leo sighed walking up to the big bus in front of them across the street, and when he entered he saw Jenna.. Smiling and giggling, her legs were crossed sitting in her seat, one hand was on her knee and the other was tucking a piece of hair behind her ear,

Leo was swept off their feet, they felt like lightning hit right down them, but good lighting.. The type that leaves a sugary sweet aftertaste. He grinned, so much that it showed his teeth, something Leo isn't fond of.. But when Jenna is in sight.. Anything is possible, he was strikingly excited to be on the same bus as Jenna, so excited they almost started to bounce up and down in their toes while climbing up the stairs,

As soon as he stepped on the small carpeted path, he started to examine the seats near her, their eyes caught an empty pair, and with that Leo forcefully extended his arm behind him, and grabbed Chances forearm that was holding one of the two bags, Chance turned his head to Leo, as he had began to pull him down the path to go and sit close to Jenna, Chance was puzzled at first, but caught up rather quick,

They sat down next to her, as she was discussing something hilarious with Alana, as soon as Chance took his seat, which was on the outer part closer to Jenna, all the giggles stopped. And Alana dropped her head to the side to take a look at him, then dropped it down further on her shoulder to reveal Leo.

Her eyes widened, "what" Jenna worried, turning around as well to view the shocking image, and there she saw Chance and Leo sitting right beside her, she raised her eyebrows and immediately blushed. She looked back at Alana with red cheeks, and gave a very cute smile, Alana started to push her around by her shoulder, teasing her.

"switch" Leo ordered, his eyes pinned on Chance's seat, he nodded clumsily and with no hesitation stood up to switch with Leo, and when they both plopped down once more, both Jenna and Alana turned at the same time to look at them. Jenna's face was beet red staring Leo down in mesmerization, Alana was shocked, Leo was observing Jenna as the corner of his mouth turned up, and Chance had a dumb smile on his face.

Jenna's Pov:

I twisted my head behind me, the first time to watch as Chance sat in the empty seats next to us, then what caught my attention was Leo sitting alongside him, all the warmth bursted into my face, and i started to feel dizzy.. I was majorly thrilled, but i didn't show it..

I wanted to stare at him for ever, his beautifully tanned skin, the scar on the right side of his face, his hazel almond eyes, and their smooth wavy chocolate brown hair, everything draws me closer to him, there's nothing appalling about him, i like every single thing i see.. The itch in the back of my brain was now getting to be worse, torturous you might say.

Leo's Pov:

I had just switched seats with Chance, to be able to sit as close to Jenna as possible, this girl looks fabulous right now.. She is the most gorgeous woman i've ever seen, all of a sudden i felt the rush catch up to me, and my lips screaming for hers, i held back the urge, and just smiled, "hi Jenna" i warmly greeted with a tint of pink on the top of my cheeks,

She scrunched up her nose a bit, creating small cute wrinkles in between her freckles that were sprinkled all over her cheeks and nose bridge, she then gave me a sexy grin, "hi Leo" she sexily greeted back, i didn't want to be turned on, but at this point i'm sure i was.. And i don't even know how to handle that.

Jenna's Pov:

I love it when i hear my name leave their mouth, their voice is so seductive, i get wrapped around it and tangled every time, the world i enter, and the visualizations i create whenever he's around are unspoken, i feel such delight, like i'm on top of the world whenever he gives me the slightest bit of attention,

Honestly the second they look at me i'm done. I wanna be sitting on top of them and making out. Something which i despise to do.. But for some reason i really really want to.. With them. Leo is a person like no other, nobody can touch me like he does, i will never talk or joke with anyone the way i do with Leo, and i will never look at someone the same way i look at Leo.

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