Chapter 92

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Leo's Pov:

Jenna was standing in front of me, slightly panicking with shaky breath and glossy eyes, her face was a subtle pale and her bottom lip was trembling. I was trying to soothe her as much as i could and bring her back to her normal state. I figured this would be an intense situation for her to handle.

"I'm alright, we can go" she remarked with a low tone while staring at my feet. "Are you sure? We can stay a little longer-" I started to reassure her before she cut me off mid-sentence, "Leo. I'm fine, let's go" she declared with an irregular attitude, i bobbed my head, and then she stepped past me, starting to walk towards the cabin.

I sighed knowing this wouldn't end well. As we entered the cabin, i noticed Alana, Chance, and Jessica sitting on a table alone. Right then i knew Alana had dragged them to be seated far from people. Jenna and I approached the wooden table, Jenna was harshly going upon them while i was trying to stay calm.

Nobodies Pov:

Jenna felt guilty for keeping such an important piece of information hidden, but then again she was also frustrated as to why this was made into such a big deal. Leo was ready to face the consequences,
however unlike Jenna, they weren't upset, just uneasy. Chance was gulping and secreting from the moment Alana gripped his shoulder and insisted he stood up and switched tables. Where Jessie was not prepared to be upfront just yet.

Jenna and Leo were now seated, And the conversation began with Chance, "Can i bring my plate here...?" the red-headed boy nervously asked, Leo peeked at him in pity, and Alana exhaled unevenly while nodding her head yes. Chance jumped up and ran to grab his breakfast. "So, what do you wanna ask us?" Jess put her hands on the table with her fingers intertwined.

"Hold on" Alana paused, indicating that they should wait for Chance to return. Jenna was rubbing her sweaty palms on the sides of her pants, her breathing had yet to settle. Leo was taking notice of this and was starting to feel anger, they didn't want Jenna to be in this state. Chance had now arrived at the table with his food. "Alright..." Alana started while goggling at the table with a disgruntled expression.

"First of all, i didn't know we were suppressing things from each other" She went on to mention dramatically while shooting daggers at Jenna and Jessica. "Girl it happened last night, and i haven't seen y'all since yesterday morning. I was gonna tell you guys as soon as i could" Jess began to justify her place with a somewhat aggravated look on her face.

Jenna shot a quick glance at her knowing damn well she was lying. It took Jenna half an hour to pry out the fact that she even likes Chance, there was no way she would "spill tea" on this one. "Oh, so that's how it works now? That's y'all's excuse? Because you didn't see me? We used to call each other as soon as the smallest details occurred. What changed?" Alana argued, seeming distressed while crossing her arms.

Leo glared at Jenna, they both knew that wasn't the case between them, it was the fact that they'd done way more than Jess and Chance, and they had initiated to do so a day earlier. "It's nothing against you Alana" Jenna tried to ease the tension. "Nothing against me? That's the last thing it would've been, I'm here telling you guys everything, while i miss on Jenna losing her virginity and Jessica sleeping with a guy that is nothing even close to her type" Alana raised her voice.

She was unhappy with the circumstances that took place, she felt disrespected. A light went off in Jenna's head, she remembered how she and Alana always promised each other that they would share their first times. Alana kept her word, but Jenna had completely forgotten about it, which only made her feel even more guilty.

"I feel like you guys are still holding shit back from me, because if you can mask something as meaningful as this, then this conversation won't even trigger you to be honest" Alana overthought, maintaining a very disapproving attitude and loss of trust. "You're talking nonsense right now" Jess denied while firing a dead serious face her way. "You really think this is how it's gonna go?" Jenna jumped in to also reject these accusations.

"No, no. Enough from you two. I wanna listen to what you, and you, have to say" Alana ordered while pointing at Chance then towards Leo, and laying back on her chair while sucking her teeth. Alana knew that there was no way they would've made up a cover story, they didn't have time to anyway. Therefore she figured that if she wanted the actuality of the situation, she's gonna have to ask the dork and the sleepy guy.

Chance eyed Leo boldly at that moment as Alana anchored her attention on them, awaiting their explanations. "Well... Uhm" Leo gulped, hectically shifting their gaze left and right, Jenna couldn't shake off the feeling that something destructive was about to happen as she observed Leo's agitated display, which left her feeling quite anxious. "I wanted it to happen!" Chance recklessly asserted with a high-pitched tone.

Leo dragged his hawkish gaze upon the red-freckled boy, who had now started to sweat from the nerve-wracking atmosphere. Jess was ready to stand up for him. Without letting her speak, Alana quickly silenced her with a forceful "Shh!". With a strong gesture, Jess flung herself back on the seat, crossing her arms tightly and turning her look away in disapproval. The golden-haired girl couldn't believe that the dork was about to take full responsibility for something he didn't even do wrong.

Alana motioned him to continue. "I never imagined that someone like Jessica would show any interest in me, let alone take things further. It was truly a surprise" With utmost confidence, Chance elaborated on the matter at hand. "Therefore, i saw the opportunity and thought to myself 'i can't let this one slide' I would've regretted it for the rest of my life. So i stayed and sort of persuaded Jess" He swallowed greedily.

Leo appeared barely taken aback by the unexpected words that had come out of Chance's mouth. Jenna swung her shocked gaze Leo's way, she wasn't expecting that. It seems like Jess's mood had improved upon hearing Chance's words it felt heartwarming to her. She slowly batted her eyelashes whilst outlining his figure with her eyes. She started to feel butterflies.

Alana cocked an eyebrow at the nerd's justification. "I understand how you see it. I get what you mean, but i continue to believe that i was supposed to be notified" Alana showed comprehension while stating her true opinion. The cherry red-headed girl unglued her eyes from Chance, and shot a fierce gaze at Leo, anticipating what they had to bring to light.

Leo took a sharp breath in before beginning. "Believe it or not... I was never into sexual activities either. Although Jenna, for some reason really brings it out of me, and many more things in that matter, i may never feel this way again. So why waste it" Leo single-handedly delivered his side of the story, without stuttering or holding back. He knew exactly why he did this and how there was no reason to lie.

Jenna's lips parted in disbelief, she didn't know that Leo would go as far as to state exactly why they did what they did. Both Jessie and Jenna were left stunned at what their "partners" had announced to a girl they were not even familiar with. Jess knew deep down, that this was way more than a simple attraction. Whilst Jenna was certain she wanted Leo in her life.

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