Chapter 13

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Jenna's Pov:
he did it, he actually managed to finish first even when he was sabotaged just now, i was quite impressed to be honest, he stood there looking like he was overthinking his win, so i ran closer and stopped right next to him, he turned his eyes then his head to look at me "what are you doing here" he questioned, "i saw you struggling-" i paused rethinking my words, "i came to congratulate you" i reworded while looking down.

Leo's Pov:
I noticed Jenna hesitating her words, so i took a step closer and looked down at her, "thank you" i replied subtly smiling but not noticeably much, "yea of course yea" she gulped while shaking her head, "for checking up on me" i added and briefly nodded, she then tilted her head upwards and started staring me down, from my hair down to my toes, and then again, when she looked into my eyes the light from above was shining on her face, her freckles looked cute and her lips looked enduring, she was beautiful, what am i thinking?

Jenna's Pov:
i looked as he had just appreciated me, it kind of threw me off, i checked him out, twice, and then i looked into his eyes, but he seemed lost in mine, but then again i was lost in his, i don't why, i just was, i slowly reached up with my hand and laid it on their chest, allowing it to rest on them, watching the water drip from their body.. and how the light was hitting behind them showing off their jawline where his burnt scar was, and the wet sparkling curly hair, i felt comfortable, along with all the butterflies in my heart and in my body, she discreetly put her hand on my lower back.

Nobodies Pov:
"Hey! you!" the coach yelled at Leo, both of them let go of each other and Jenna turned to the side while scratching the back of her head, Leo was now facing the coach, he was approaching them, "that's against the rules Bludd" the coach whispered with agony, and his vein popping out of the side of his head, "i didn't know" Leo was caught of guard keeping a straight face as always, "i'm gonna have to give you detention for that" the coach nodded in disapproval, that sentence caught Jenna's ear straight way,

She aggressively turned, "excuse me? he just won you a trophy for YOUR damn collection and your gonna give him detention?!" Jenna was furious screaming at the coach waving her hands around, the coach stared at her in confusion, "he swam the whole back, you can't do that!" he yelled at her, she took a step back and Leo pushed the coach, "calm down now coach" Leo insisted calmly, "that other mother fucker sabotaged him and you're not gonna do anything about that!!?" Jenna had now turned red with steam almost coming out of her ears screaming at this man.

Leo's Pov:
Jenna was furious and she had started to lose her breath from yelling, my eyebrows slightly raised, i'm so confused "who is it?" the coach replied to Jenna, "green team, and red team's not even here which means even worse sabotage, what if the players are stuck behind that mountain asshole!?" Jenna had went completely out of line, "ok- let's go" i put out while wrapping my single arm around Jenna and pulling her off the deck with me, "Leo!" the coach shouted behind me, i turned with an angry look, "your off the hook on this one, but we'll see next time" he squinted his eyes while pointing at me

"ok" i nodded colder than ever, then proceed to guide Jenna to the crowd, i leaned in closer to her, "you didn't have to" i quietly admitted, "i didn't do it for you i did it cause he was unfair, and there's a whole team gone" she muttered, "yea that's not ok" i agreed with her while nodding, i gulped as we reached the end of the deck where the crowd started, "text me your address when u can" she reminded, "ok.." i responded, Jenna gave me a discreet nod then taking off back into the crowd.

Jenna's Pov:
what the fuck was that, all of that, me running to them? Standing up for them? Yelling for them!? This is getting out of hand, i don't know what to feel and how to deal with this, i was currently walking back to my girls and when i arrived they all had a dirty look on their face, "soooo Jenna" Ria started, "how did that gooo" Jess continued, they were all laughing and teasing me, except for Claire, which i didn't give a fuck about anyway, "y'all were looking into each others eyes in loveee" Alana joked while i nudged her, "guys stop no way" i ended while slightly blushing and looking away, "oh yea right" Jess chuckled

(9:30 pm) after grabbing a couple hot dogs for dinner and teasing me some more i was brought home by Alana, her and Ria have been all over each other tonight, so i wouldn't be surprised if they ended up fucking, i sat on my bed after i had changed into my pjs, i was scrolling through my phone then a notification popped up

Leo- Vallen st. next to the mexican guys

Jenna- Lovely description, thank you

Leo- No problem

could he be any more dry than this? Honestly it's tiring, but on the other hand it's not my problem is it? They're not my partner, and they will never be, so she can be as dry as she wants, i don't care, i have better things to do anyway, i threw my phone to side of my bed, i thought about how he only lives a street away from mine, i didn't know we were that close, i rested on my back while my body sunk into my bed, as i thought of the moment i ran up to him after his victory

the uniform was so drenched that it looked like he had painted the color blue on him rather than actually wearing a shirt, the pants too.. i don't know why i was so mesmerized, she looked weird anyway, no chest, looked fit in the arms but no abs, no male genitalia either, they meant it when they said gender-fluid, i remembered when i rested my hand on his chest, when he looked at me, everyone disappeared, it was just them and me, our breathing's synchronized, and the tension was getting so intense, i don't know why i felt like that, i have no reason to, i let out a huge sigh of frustration, i turned on my side and tried to sleep, maybe then i'll stop thinking about him.

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now