Chapter 59

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Leo's Pov:

After fixing myself up, and waiting around for Chance to clean his braces thoroughly, we walked out together, i had the key cause there's no way i could trust Chance with it.. He would definitely lose it, i shut the door and locked it behind me, then we proceeded to make our way down the hall.

I was excited to see Jenna, but of course without showing the slightest bit of a sign, Chance was peeking at me the whole way down stairs, "what" i mumbled side eyeing him, "nothing.." he hesitated, i decided to drop this, given the fact i'm not in the mood.

We reached the lobby, and there was a Japanese woman at the reception, she smiled at us while her eyes completely disappeared, Chance grinned and i flashed my usual fake smile, when we exited the building we faced nature. Beautiful red and green trees, different colored flowers, the whole nine yards.

We were both swept away from the incredible view as we followed the path down to the tavern, i felt warmth hug around me.. I felt like i belonged here, and the mesmerization of it all is just making this experience much better.

Jenna's Pov:

Alana and I were sat on a huge wooden table, with bushes and plants around us.. It's giving cottage core, but Japanese style of course, i love it.. Alana was checking herself out on her phone, and i was playing with the salt and pepper shakers.

Students were gathering little by little, but i payed no attention, none unless it was Leo, i kept folding napkins into heart shapes, and making piles of salt on my plate.. Until a shadow towered over my head, i looked up to see who's blocking the light.. Then i face them..

There they stood, on the other side of the table.. With a black buttoned shirt, and grey tight jeans.. So hot, i was immediately stung by shyness, my face reddened and my eyes felt like they were burning, he smirked at me, but i shifted my gaze away for a sec, trying to get back on track.. Without appearing to be startled.. And without greeting them back.

Chance stood right behind them, taking the seat next to him, they both adjusted themselves and scooted the seat inwards the table, i was still figuring out how to breath.. Alana noted that, and gave me a nudge, i shot my eyes at her, looking like i just came out of a fire, i think i was even starting to sweat.

"Get it together Ortega" She muttered through her teeth, she was right, i was snitching on myself, and that's not how i want this to go. I hardly swallowed my spit, then nodded, i lifted my head then sat straight, fixing my posture, And also showing off my cleavage.. i stared forward, trying to make eye contact with Leo..

My insides trembled, as my chest started to rise with every breath.. I put my poker face on trying to seem chill about it, but my body language was giving me away.. At some point our eyes met.. And there was that stare that they always display across their eyes. The hungry desirable look, it always seduces me.. So much that we ended up making out last time..

At this point i already had the urge to feel her lips again.. I wanted to stroke their skin and play with their hair.. Just touch them, the willingness was getting stronger and unbearable, i really wanted to put my hands on them.. I sat up from leaning onto the back of my chair, and pushed my upper body up against the edge of the table.

He was sitting right across me.. So i reached my hand out and grabbed his, that was resting on the surface of the table, i snuck my fingers into his palm and used my thumb to rub against the back of his hand.. Then a smile creeped up on my face, a cute smile, a satisfying yet shy smile..

They had their other hand against their cheek, and their gaze was focused on Chance speaking about robotics to his other friends.. But as soon as my touch laid upon them, he lowered his fist from his face, and twisted their head to face me.. They're so cute when they're clueless..

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now