Chapter 77

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Jenna's Pov:

I wasn't ready to share my special moment with Jess.. But she's making me feel very safe right now, "first of all you look amazing in Leo's clothes.." she commented, i smiled thanking her, "Do you want me to begin?" she insisted with a very pretty smile, she wasn't like this before, she's nice in general, but never really shows it..

After the incident she's been more open.. "If you'd like.." i shrugged, she looked away then nodded, Jess took a heavy breath in through her nose, "i think i like him.." she mumbled, i hardly heard what she said.. But if it is what i think it is.. I'm gonna shit my pants. "sorry??" i poked my head forward, while stretching my ears back.

She side eyed me nervously, then gulped, "Jessica.." i called, seeking for information, i felt sweat form on my palms, and my head begin to feel a little fuzzy, there's no fucking way.. "I like him- I like the dork! Ok? I like him.." she shouted whilst throwing her hands up.

My jaw slacked, as a big grin took over my face, "oh my fucking god!!! Bitch!!!" i squeaked jumping froward to hug her, she laughed while covering her mouth with both hands, "Jess omg! Omg!" i rattled her back and forth, squeezing her in my arms, "Jenna omg! Look!!" Jess gasped.

I released her to search for what she was showing me, she pointed forward and a little downward, directing my eyes to the lake, where we saw Leo and Chance row.. We froze in place with both of our mouths stretching open, staring off into mesmerization.. Leo was so fucking hot in that kayak..

They were both swaying at the same pace, paddling left then right as the boat tilted towards their force, the way Leo rummaged through the waters, and how he shoved each side of the paddle in the lake.. I just wanted to jump on him.. They were doing so well.

Jessica's Pov:

I watched the ginger dork row. And to think that i'm into a nerd? Not even that, i feel like i want get laid by a nerd.. This Chance guy is not my type, i never liked these types of men, but the way he defended me in the lobby earlier this morning.. Nobody has ever done that for me, i never thought i'd feel secured by a guy in my life..

I was used to them having sex with me and then leaving.. It suits me anyway cause i don't want relationships they're too complicated, but having a boy actually care about me.. That's new.. And very attractive to be quite honest, his personality shined right through his looks.. Not that he's that ugly..

Especially right now.. Right now he looks like a snack, even though he's the one shaking the boat cause of his weight.. I don't really mind.. I like the view of him so much at this moment, and noticing how Jenna is staring at Leo.. This girl is definitely in love there's no way.. She looks like she's facing the great Hercules.

Leo's Pov:

"Left! Right! Left! Right! Good! You're doing good bud!!" i smiled, while piercing through the water with Chance, even though he's got no experience, the kid has skills up his sleeve.. I mean he's not even wearing his glasses. I sat at the back, because the person sitting back is the one who controls the motion, and directs the kayak,

"Am i? I can't see shit!" he bubbled, i laughed.. Loudly, "It's ok! You've got the hang of it!" i reassured the red head nerd, as he kept paddling in sync with me, a happy smile was glued upon my face, i was so proud of him, and i've never had this much fun while rowing before..

Jenna's Pov:

"Is he laughing!?" i piped, shocked at the fact that Leo's expressive in public, it is his best friend whom he feels comfortable with after all.. But i've never seen them laugh before without me being around, "I think.." Jess murmured, she was almost drooling, and her stare contained longing, she was deep into those thoughts.. I still can't believe she likes Chance,

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now