Chapter 93

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Nobodies Pov:

After a long conversation between the 5. The morning meal had come to an end, and it was time to embark on a new day full of activities like yesterday. Alana was not happy that Jenna and Jess had withheld important information from her, but she was slowly coming around. Although she had completely forgotten she hadn't told Jess about Ria either.

As the group of teens exited the cabin, Leo and Chance took off in an opposing direction, while the 3 girls walked down the path to continue their talk and think about what kind of activity they'd like to try out today.

Jenna's Pov:

Spending time with my friends this morning was stressful, but I'm glad we were able to work through any challenges we faced during that half hour. Initially, I was taken aback by the situation that I found myself in, but now I am determined to find a constructive way forward. I trusted my girls with the information, but I just wanted to make sure everything was nailed down before making any announcements.

"Jess, do you see yourself getting into a relationship with Chance?" I raised a question, looking at her with hope in my eyes. She took a deep breath and then turned her gaze to the ground, "I have no idea sis" she clicked her tongue while stating in uncertainty. "I feel like after that conversation, the way he started to explain everything... Just goes to show how much i mean to him, and it really warms my soul" she grinned.

"Whatever you do don't break his heart" Alana added while placing her hand on Jess's shoulder, i nodded in like-mindedness. "Oh, i almost forgot to ask, how are you feeling this morning after last night?" I checked, i was maintaining a strong stare toward Alana. That's when the tall girl stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes almost fell out of her socket.

"What do you mean? What happened last night?" Jess followed suit, pausing her walk and turning to glare at Alana. My eyes shifted between the two, realizing now that she was taunting us for not telling her about our situation when she hadn't brought up a single thing about hers to Jessica. "So, i might've disregarded to fill you in on some stuff..." Alana spoke with a heavy breath as her face withheld regret.

Leo's Pov:

Chance and I were cruising towards the same lake i had transformed in last night, i had an idea after reading the activity sheet that was handed to us yesterday which wrote,

*Tichu Mountain: Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, Yoga, Running, Rowing, Pottery, Painting, Planting, Karate/

/Aso Mountain: Rock climbing, Archery, Water Aerobics, Mining, Woodwork, Flower Arranging*

I thought of picking up a kayak and heading for the neighborhood mountain which is the beautiful Mount Aso, and then rock climbing.

Chance had no clue what we were up to, so he followed along like a happy little fella... That's until i flicked his pale ear and i watched it turn red from the impact "Ouch!!" he squealed with a lisp. "You mind telling me how exactly you dropped your pants for the first time?" I almost yelled, i had placed my hands on my hips, standing still and staring through my eyebrows.

The nerd rubbed his ear while shamefully looking elsewhere. "You know i was gonna tell you as soon as i could" he phrased, trying to clarify himself. "Oh that'll be the last thing you do Chance" i sarcastically replied, now slightly frowning. "You have never taken big steps without coming to me first, and I'm not saying independence isn't important, but I'm surprised you didn't want my opinion" I went on to state my views.

Chance slowly bobbed his head, still gazing at the grass below us. "Leo, i promise i had no idea it was gonna go THAT far" he extended his arm to gesture to the drama taking place. I released a cold breath through my nostrils, he was right, i had every right to be shaken, but none to be mad at him.

"Besides... Where the fuck are we headed?" He wondered while tilting his head to the side. I took a step forward, "Mount Aso" I nonchalantly spat whilst making my way down Mountain Tichu to access the lake. "Oh sweet! But how are we getting there?" Chance bubbled at first, then quickly realized it was not exactly 'next door distance'. "Rowing" I answered quickly as i had started to head downhill.

Jenna's Pov:

"So you're telling me... That Ria had sex with you. Then randomly stopped hanging out with you? When did this happen?" Jess was recently informed about the situation that Alana is going through. "Yesterday, when we got lost and i called you to send me your location. It was because we went to god knows where, to fuck" Alana illustrated seeming a tad irritated.

"And what did she say when you went over there to talk it out? And Jenna was fucking in the bathroom..." Jess continued to investigate. My eyes shot open at that last sentence, "Jessica!" I exclaimed in shock. "What bitch! It's true!" She jested. I huffed then looked away with red cheeks. "She told me she's scared of attachment and then i almost beat her ass" Alana surmised while grinding her teeth.

"Right... Ok well, we've established she's a shit person" Jessie concluded while clapping her hands together and smiling sarcastically. We all nodded at that, "Also, i want you guys to tell me how it was having sex with Leo and Chance" Alana hung back, whipping herself around to face us with a huge grin. "You first Jess" She insisted.

Jess and I stopped dead in our tracks. "I can proudly say that, for a dork... He did a damn well good job" she started to giggle as her face flushed in red. "He's obviously a virgin, which makes him a little submissive and i love that!" she beamed, showing how satisfied she was. I smiled along with round eyes. "Is Leo submissive??" Jess clicked her head to the left to ask me.

The first thing i did was open my mouth to answer. But instead of words, laughter came out. I started to chortle somewhat loudly until i slapped my palm against my mouth. "Girl..." Alana whispered shouting, appearing to be thunderstruck by my reaction. "Oh my god is he dominant? They look so gentle..." Jess stammered in disbelief.

"Look, is the keyword, seem, appear to be. They are SO NOT!" i busted out laughing and snorting, Alana and Jess started to cry from laughter as well, and our stomachs began to hurt. "I can now- explain. Why i couldn't open my legs- further yesterday, in yoga" I mentioned while trying to catch breaths in between my chuckles. "Bitch oh my god no way!!" Alana shrieked as her face went pale, then began to laugh even harder.

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