Chapter 57

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Leo's Pov:
(7:00 pm)

I sat up slowly, tangled between the white sheets, i completely forgot when i had fallen asleep.. It all felt so real, i don't remember laying down, or anything that led to me resting.. I started to rub my eyes, still shirtless, "that scar's looking better and better.. What are you gonna tell Jenna when it's gone?" Chance laughed while commenting on my face,

Since my shirt was off he could see the full picture, how it stopped just above my shoulder, it was behind my ear which means 1/3 of my hair is burnt, i have no side burn on the right side of my face or hair behind my ear, the scar does not cover my cheek, it barely touches my jaw line cause most of it is under my head.. Then it travels down the side of my neck, and stops before my shoulder, Chance was staring at me laughing as i got irritated.

"what's your point." i muttered in a threatening manner, still rubbing my left eye, Chance dialed down his chuckles to be able to speak, "my point is.. Are you still thinking about telling her?" he asked while ending his laughter, "probably" i sighed moving on to rub my right eye, Chance didn't speak, instead he changed the subject,

"so.. Who do you think called you earlier??" Chance popped the question, he was being nosy, which pissed me off every single time. "Chance i will beat your ass into next year" i hissed while sliding my palms down my face trying to fully wake up, his face dropped, then he sucked his lips in while lowering his head,

"what if it was my imagination..?" i hypothesized, without trying to avoid this new 'ability', Chance groaned in disappointment, "it is not!" he slowly began to shout, "fine" i heavily sighed, while throwing the sheets off of me, and standing up, i walked to my bags so i can pick an outfit, dinner's at 8, i have plenty of time.

Jenna's Pov:

Dinner's at 8, i don't have enough time to get ready. I was throwing my clothes around, while looking through my make up bag, Alana was painting her toenails on the bed, and i was silently freaking out, breathing a bit too heavy. "girl chill.." Alana insinuated, i huffed, then got up to face her, "i look like shit." i stated while throwing my arms out,

I widened my eyes at her, and my mouth was stuck open, Alana screwed the lid of the nail polish shut, then started to blow down her nails, "there's no reason to panic.. He likes you just as you are" Alana assured me, guessing that this is what i'm worried about at this moment. "what..?" i inquired with a bitter expression, while rubbing my forehand in order to calm down.

"all i'm saying is that, you don't need to do all that" Alana mumbled, while grabbing a cotton swab, and erasing the unnecessary polish on the sides of her nail, she pressed the swab against her skin then forcefully dragged it down to clean the flesh, when she did she lifted her head and stared me down through her eyebrows,

"i bet you're too big of a pussy to go just as you are." she dared while giving me a naughty smile, i frowned sticking my neck out, "hell no are you crazy?" i almost yelled, waving my arms around, there is no way i'm going to have dinner in my pajamas. "mmmhhhmm" Alana sassily hummed while nodding her head, with her eyebrows raised as she looked back down at her foot,

She started to blow again, trying to dry off the red nail polish, "i'm not a try hard you know that" i reminded in a bitchy tone, while spinning around to crouch over my suit case, and proceed to search for a nice outfit, "Jenna Marie Ortega.." Alana called with ferociousness in her voice. The middle naming thing always gets me..

I gulped silently, while turning around on the tip of my feet, my eyes were almost round, as i slowly met her sulky gaze. "you never wore makeup before Leo, you never put on a dress before Leo, you never sprayed hair perfume on, or ran more than 3 times a week, or run in general, you walk. Now you run everyday!" she obviated with a loud tone,

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