Chapter 62

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Leo's Pov:
(9:00 pm)

It's been a minute since Jenna left, and i could finally release al the tenderness that crippled up in my body, i knew what she zoned out about.. She was caught in an absolute trance for quite a while, and little does she know i saw everything she imagined.. Since it's the night before the full moon, i get charged before being able to release, which gives me an upper hand in some cases.. This was my way of showing her my emotional side, through imagination, and honestly it did get really spicy..

I was back to listening to Chance go off about random stuff that excites him. I was slightly dissociating, getting to be very bored of this. At some point i took a look around the room just to gaze off, then i spotted Alana, staring at me dead in the eyes, from across the table, i didn't move or change my expression. She kept that dangerous glance, like she's about to kill me.

I shifted my eyes to the right then back to her, and slightly frowned, she took a deep breath in, then lifted her index finger and bent it down towards her face, waving me over, i fixed my posture, then scooted my seat away from the table, giving me access to get up and start walking to the other side.

I went up next to her and sat in the empty seat. Her glare remained as i tried to soothe the tension, "what do you know" she muttered, frozen in place with semi wide eyes, clearly concerned. "that she took the pregnancy test i bought her" i replied nonchalantly, Alana's eyes went wide in shock, as she turned to the side on her seat.

"how the fuck did that happen? Are you cheating on Jenna!?" she whisper shouted as her eyes bursted out in flames, steam almost came out of her ears, i raised my brows at that. "what!? No!" i whisper shouted back, then shook my head and cringed, "we're not even together!" i lowered my tone even more pushing the words out of my mouth in irritation.

Alana briefly studied me, trailing her eyes down to my feet then back up to my pale face.. "right yea.." she cleared her throat rotating on the chair to face away from me, i tilted my head to the side, as my eyes narrowed.. Does this mean Jenna likes me? "why would you ask that?" i mumbled while stunned.

Alana side eyed me then rapidly switched her view, and looked straight forward again, to avoid any type of eye contact, "no reason" she piped, trying to reject any of my efforts to understand what she meant. "there has to be a reason.. You're her best friend, she tells you everything.." i inquired, secretly dying to know, Alana sighed heavily, then shut her eyes.

"what do you want me to tell you exactly?" she huffed before pointing her eyes back at me, i stared, "does she have feelings for me?" i took a long shot, feeling my heartbeat increase, and my palms getting sweaty.. I don't know if i'm ready for a rejection.. I've never had this fear, because i've never been vulnerable enough to let myself feel.

"ask her." she threw back unbothered, keeping a straight with zero empathy in her voice, my eyebrows slightly dropped at her response, "what do you mean" i puzzled, i'm too shy to ask her something like that.. I don't ever end up in situations like this, i hate these kinds of circumstances.. So much that i never even thought about them.

"next time you cross paths.. Simply ask her, and there you will get your answer.." she ironically put forth, with a little smile, i perplexed trying to figure out why she wouldn't just tell, instead of having me run after Jenna and embarrass myself because there's no way she feels what i feel. "straight up like that?" i fretted raising a brow.

"straight up" she shrugged, then set her lips in a hard line, "so.. How come you gave Jess a pregnancy test.. And how did you know she had this struggle in the first place?" Alana readjusted herself on the seat, staring me down, clearly curious, "i stumbled upon her, in the airport, and a cheap test fell out of her bag.. So i insisted on getting her a better brand" i reasoned.

Alana nodded stiffly, then squinted her eyes, "with your own money?" she questioned, "i returned the cheap one, and they gave me the money back." i cleared my throat, "there's no way you got something more advanced with the same amount from a cheaper brand." she looked me up and down, not believing me.

"well i threw a couple bucks in.." i added, feeling a little uneasy, i didn't wanna show off, "now that sounds about right" she agreed, with a little smile, "well thank you for helping her out.. I'm glad Jenna found someone pure.." she sighed looking away, that was my signal to go back to my seat, so i nodded then stood up.

Jenna's Pov:

I reached outside of door 18, i knocked three times, then waited for Jess to open up, i heard rough but slow footsteps approach on the other side of the door, which made me even more nervous. Suddenly it opened slowly, revealing half of her body, while her head stuck out, "hey.." she greeted tiredly.

She looked like she hasn't had a meal in forever, and completely sleep deprived, my expression turned to a fearful one, as my eyes started to expand, "hey" i smiled with a quiet voice, she gave me a sleepy smile, then stepped aside letting me in her room, the lights were off and her bag was still packed..

My breaths started to get thick, as i walked in, i stood still in one spot, then she shut the door, and made her way past me sitting on her bed, i looked at her, then continued to examine her room, i was in a state of bafflement, i was so eager to know what the hell is going on with her, and the reason behind all of this sorrowful behavior.

"have a seat girl" she obviated, while getting under the covers and laying down, i gulped, placing my jacket on a near by chair, then taking a seat on the edge of the bed next to her waist, she placed her wrist on her forehead and shut her eyes.. She didn't appear sick to me, alternatively she looked absolutely drained.. Which was probably causing her to feel ill.

"what's been going on with you" i faced her, leaning slightly downwards, with a disturbed look, she swallowed harshly, then parted her lips took take a deep breath in, "i'm pregnant" she blurted while exhaling, and opening her eyes, my jaw dropped, as my eyes went completely round, i raised my hands to cover my mouth, then i stood up from shock,

I huffed into my hands, any word in the dictionary had been deleted off my brain, i had no thoughts, or ideas, i was just surprised by what came out of Jess's mouth, i couldn't process the information i just received, i felt my body go numb, as a ringing sound started to blast in my ear.. Is this real..?

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