Chapter 88

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Nobodies Pov:
(9:30 pm)

Jenna and Leo are located on the lakeside. Leo had just stepped out of the water and transformed into a person Jenna doesn't identify. She was taunting them, telling them off about the fact that Leo hasn't mentioned a word about a condition like this to come.

Jenna was freaked out by the image of the person she's romantically involved with. Leo's scar has washed away, revealing spotless skin, hair, freckles, and other beauty marks. This version of Leo offered us a new picture, one that demonstrates what he would've looked like without his incident. 

Leo had freckles only on one side of his face. Now they've appeared on both. They also have a discreet beauty mark above their lip, their jawline seemed defined and sharp without the wrinkled scar, and the back of their hair formed into flawless spikes at the end. A short wolf cut in that matter.

Jenna was too busy panicking about the reality of Leo having no burnt spots on his face to notice any of these little details. Leo was trying to justify his situation to Jenna. But she wasn't up to listening. Instead, she kept heckling him. Yelling and being outrageous. The girl was shocked to her core after witnessing Leo in this state.

Jenna's Pov:

"Are you calm now?" Leo asked with a worried expression, one that he has never pulled up yet again. A few minutes had passed since the reveal. And I had stopped talking to him for a bit. "I'm just confused" I sighed. I was still 5 feet away from them.

"Do you wanna take a walk?" he suggested, while holding his palm out and pointing toward the path with a reassuring smile. As mad as I might be, it's nice to see these reactions form on his face, he's still very handsome, even without the scar that I love. He looks different, but I know that deep down it's the same Leo I've been romantically infused with.

I nodded showing agreement. "Yes, let's take a walk" I approved while letting him lead the way. After a little while of walking back up the mountain, he found his shorts. "This would be mine..." he mumbled to himself, I smiled at that with low scoff. He wore the white shorts then we continued to hike.

He was keeping his distance from me since I tried to get away from him the first couple of times he wanted to reach out. He figured that I didn't want to be touched by them... But my stubbornness was wearing off. I went up close to them and lightly placed my fingers on their elbow.

He turned to face me as I looked up at them with lust glowing in my eyes. A huge unexpected smile spread across his lips, as he took my hand in theirs and then continued walking. I smiled at their action, and as soon as they touched me... I understood that this was Leo. Their touch still displays warmth inside of me.

I quickly loosened up after acknowledging this fact. It's the same person, there's no reason to be so infuriated. I decided to hear them out at that moment. "Tell me... About your situation" I allowed with a gentle tone while slightly leaning against their arm.

"Alright... It's kind of a long story so... Bare with me" they jokingly warned with a funny grimace, I softly giggled at his expression, there's gonna be lots of new expressions unlocked tonight as it seems.   "I've never had to listen to you talk more than 4 minutes... Please go ahead" I supported, with a warm little smile.

"4!? You've been counting?" they lightly screeched. I chuckled at their remark. "Maybe..." I flirtingly shrugged as my face flushed. He smiled at my answer. "Ok so... Before my mom got pregnant with Niki, she was in a group... Of witches, performing rituals and such" they started.

My eyes rounded and my eyebrows shot up to my hairline. "Seriously!?" I asked while stunned. Leo nodded "mmhhm gurl" they humorously assured me, I laughed, this is the first they've ever said anything like that. "Momma was a witch back in the day... It's true" they went on to say.

"She met my father in a gather-up one day, every spiritual person, witches, warlocks, tarot readers, they were all in one room" they described while waving their free hand around. I was bobbing my head along to every word. They are so charming when focused and detailed.

"My dad doesn't really fall into any of those categories, he was actually gifted... With a higher ability. His proficiency was to heal. He could heal any traumatized, injured soul. Using the power of the deity he worked with, which was Zeus" as Leo spoke, I found myself incredibly invested in this story.

"Now, I know this may sound stupid, and unreal. But the truth of the matter is, my father, couldn't actually project any kind of magical influence from his hands. It's the mindset of it all. If you believe and allow, it shall come your way" he grinned while shooting me a wink as we reached the field. My cheeks flushed then.

"My mother believed in the moon, and the moon's abilities. When I got dragged onto the street and burned my face, my mom and dad were set on healing me. Niki was born with a higher spirit. She understands and sees more than any human eye or mind can perceive" They continued as we sat on the mattress.

"I on the other hand didn't have any sort of ability, up until the incident. After that, my father performed practices upon me, trying to heal me, as where my mom would take me to a pond near our neighborhood, and dipped me into the water once a month every full moon"

I immediately picked up on the location Leo was referring to. "The pond inside the forest!?" I gasped with wide eyes. "Yes, exactly" he pointed at me while nodding. "That's where my mom would take me, to give me a 'magical bath' as she called it when I was younger" he smiled as his eyes glistened, is he gonna cry...?

"Then my dad allowed the moon to heal me during that period. But it only healed my inner core and soul, which is why I'm full of expressions and loud and talking more than I do. My mother soon realized that it wasn't gonna heal my appearance. Therefore she was gonna cast certain spells upon me as she bathed me"

I was so enlightened by his description, sincerely astounded. But I had one question. "I see... So if you get to heal, once a month, then how come you still have that scar?" I rubbed their arm while asking, I'm noticing a certain glow in the corner of their eye, that indicates a tear.

"She did get to cast the spells..." they sniffed when answering. "She passed away before she could heal my appearance, and my dad didn't get to teach the moon to provide that service for me anytime I get injured" his voice started to crack as my heart became rock solid.

I huffed when he told the truth about why his scar hasn't fully worn off. I scooted closer to them, taking them into my small arms. Leo shoved her head into my shoulder, I heard more sniffs and exhales, and as their warm breath brushed against my shirt, I patted their back.

"It's ok sweetheart" I whispered in their ear, I felt sorry for them, and I think I'm about to cry as well. "The jab that Tanner gave me. That's never going to return, it is healed forever. But my scar, it's kind of the reason for my ability. Which is another reason why it won't fade away" he lifted his head to tell me.

I nodded in understanding. "I get it. And I'm sorry for the inconvenience of your mother's passing. I'm sure she was great" I gave my condolences. He placed his thumb on my cheek. Then I leaned in to place a warm peck on his beautiful luscious lips. After we pulled away, I looked into their brown eyes.

"Where is your dad now?" I questioned as I held him. "He wasn't able to function without my mom. So he told Niki to look after me while he takes a small trip away from home. And never came back" he set his lips on a hard line. I bit the inside of my cheek while staring at their face.

"Does this upset you?" I worried. "No, I learned to not be sad about things that are out of my control. If he doesn't want us, then we don't want him" Leo pointed out. I agreed with his statement. I would probably have the same opinion if I were in his shoes.

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now