Chapter 86

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Nobodies Pov:
(time skip 2h)

Everything over at Jenna's spot was set up and ready to go. Alana was in a grumpy mood the whole time, while Jenna was mentally smiling at the fact that She'll get to see Leo later tonight... Whenever she hangs out with them she gets the exciting thrill of being in their presence.

Chills build up inside her, whenever they touch her. Her heart feels warm along with their body sensing comfort and security. She loves being around Leo, even if there's a minor distance between them, just being able to view him is enough for her.

Leo's camp was also ready, but there was a slight difference in comparison to the others. Hers had no tent. It was only the mattress with the cloth underneath it. Leo wanted to be in touch with nature. She wasn't afraid of any insects or bad weather. If that were to happen she would simply build the roof on top.

They treasured every moment of viewing the beautiful sights of Tichu Mountain. Watching the stars was one of the biggest sightseeing cases Leo appreciated deeply. They always lived by a quote that said 'We all look up at the same sky, but in different settings', Leo adored that saying.

The sun was almost hidden behind the neighboring mountain. Which meant one thing and one thing only... The moon is about to come out. Chance hadn't contacted him at all today when he usually does under these circumstances. Leo whipped out her flip phone to try him again.

(on call)

Chance- I'm coming! I'm coming! (he panted through the speakers from running)

Leo- Do you even know where I am? (They asked)

Chance- Uhm- No... (he slowed down)

Leo- I'm just before the edge down the big path on your right (they explained while rubbing in between their temples)

Chance- Got ya! I'm on my way (he started to run once again)

(hangs up)

Leo's Pov:

I sighed letting all the built-up frustration exit from within me. My camp was all set, but I don't know if I am for tonight... I haven't committed to my ability outside my hometown. I usually go down to the nearby pond whenever I wanna do my business. Now, I have a whole lake ahead of me.

Jenna's Pov:

I was chilling in my tent, when i suddenly heard chatter from outside. I unzipped the tent to peek. I met Alana and Claire having a deep conversation, why didn't they let me know they wanna talk? "Hey, why aren't you guys sitting in the tent?" i asked as i stepped outside.

"It's unfair to kick you out, Jenna.." Alana sighed as Claire nodded along. I quickly thought of my excuse for meeting Leo being shattered. "No! No! It's not! I can take a walk- Really, get in here and have your chat" I implied whilst grabbing their hands and pulling them in.

"Jenna, are you sure?" Claire worried. "100%, call me when you're done, or leave a message" i smiled at both of them before zipping the tent back up. The smile on my face remained as it turned into a scornful one. I skipped down the field to find Leo's tent... Realizing i have no idea where it is.

Leo's Pov:

Chance had just arrived and was taking in deep breaths. "Are you ready!?" he was frantically concerned, i bobbed my head feeling a little uncertain. "Everything is gonna go fine I'm sure! Just trust in the moon-" he started to rant. "Ok Chance thank you" i cut him off.

I looked off to the side to think. Then a sudden thought rushed to my head. "Hey, what happened with Jess?" i questioned with a small smirk. Chance faced the ground as a blush started to fill his creamy white face. "Well... Uhm" he choked on his words.

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now