Chapter 84

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Chance's Pov:

The kiss is incredible. It feels like I'm walking on water, Jessica's lips are so smooth and savory... I had a boner by all of this, and to be honest I've never had one before... But as it seems Jess knows exactly how to handle it. She pulled back for a moment and glanced at me with a smile.

She had leaned up against me, pressing my genitalia down... Which felt really good. "Should we take these off?" she asked while grabbing my glasses. I quickly nodded, then she swiped them down and threw them on the bed. I grinned before grabbing her waist and kissing her. I cannot believe I'm making out with someone. Someone so hot as well.

Leo's Pov:

I was in the lobby waiting for students and teachers to show up. As I waited around I noticed a hand brush on my shoulder. I turned to peek at this person, I was looking at Mr. Akio. "How are you young one?" he asked with his usual raspy voice while he stroked his white mustache.

"I'm well Sensei" I quickly stood up to bow and he did the same after me. "Good. I'm glad to hear" he barely smiled, I nodded feeling satisfaction from the fact that Mr. Akio has acknowledged my existence. "I watched you row yesterday..." he admitted as his voice dropped. I was honored to have Sensei watch me.

"How did I do?" I asked. "You were excellent... But that's not why I started this conversation with you" he answered while raising suspicion. "How can I help you Sensei?" I offered, and a little smile appeared between his beard. "Would you like to walk with me?" he suggested. "Yes," I agreed whilst dropping off my bags to the receptionist.

Jenna's Pov:

The elevator dinged as the doors separated to reveal the usual Lobby. I examined the room to find a few students sitting around with their camping equipment, and only 2 teachers. "I want some coffee" Alana announced while staring down the coffee machine, seeming desperate.

I was a bit hesitant about that suggestion. But before I was able to get one word out of my mouth she was already speed-walking toward the machine. I sighed while shutting my eyes, then made my way to the big comfortable couch in the middle of the room. I placed our bags beside me while I plopped on the cushion.

Alana was struggling with the machine, holding her cup under the group head, waiting for a drop of coffee to come out. To be honest I prefer this over alcohol. Although she doesn't have to drink anything when she's upset, if she must, I will always be partial to coffee.

I waited around for the teachers and Mr. Ling to show up. However, there was one thing on my mind... Leo. Where are they? Are they late? Is something stalling them? Are they hurt? Yes of course I'm overthinking whether she's ok or not. I always do...

I searched around the room a bit. Just to make sure they haven't hidden anywhere in here that I didn't pick up on. She was definitely not in the same room as me. I flipped my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it to scroll through my contacts. Until my finger hovered over her name.

I thought twice about this action... I know we're hiding the fact that we've done something sexual for the first time. But that doesn't mean we can't talk to each other... I guess I'm just paranoid. I tapped on his name and awaited as I heard the beeping through the speakers.

(on call)

Leo- Hey Jen, What's up?

Jenna- Hi... Just wondering where you're at (she blushed at the nickname and the sound of their voice)

Leo- I'm walking back up the path right now. I'll be there shortly (they half smiled)

Jenna- Ok, be careful! (she unexpectedly cautioned)

Leo- I am Jen (he smirked at her concern)

Jenna- Alright, bye (she widely smiled)

Leo- Bye hun

(hangs up)

Hun!? She just called me hun! As in honey!? My thumb was piercing through the screen of my phone where the hang-up button was. My face had burst into a red tone, and my palms got moist. Butterflies were currently attacking my stomach as well.

I was trying to gather myself since Alana was gonna be back in a little. She immediately spotted me silently panicking earlier... She'll know again this time. As her cup was done filling up she walked back to the couch and sat next to me. She took one loud sip from the steaming beverage.

Leo's Pov:

I reached a few steps before the hotel with Mr. Akio, I was ready and glad to walk in and see Jenna. "One last thing before we part ways..." Sensei mentioned. "I shall warn you, that I am fully aware that you are a child of the moon" he whispered to me while getting closer to my face. My eyes shot open.

"What?" I huffed in disbelief... There's no way he knows about this. "Do not be ashamed of your power young one. Just use it wisely... Do not waste it on that girl, if she loves you truly, she'll accept you with or without it" Mr. Akio noted with a somewhat strict tone. I nodded in response.

"May I ask, how do you know?" I was puzzled by this sudden heads-up. "Not to fear, nobody told me. One look at you and I was certain... Furthermore, tonight is the night and you're almost glowing as the sun sets" he metaphorically spoke. I smiled a little, feeling lighthearted at his approval and mystery.

"I will not tell a soul... Now go" he assured, then dismissed me. I bowed once again, he followed suit. Later on, I pushed open the doors to the lobby, where Jenna sat on the big couch. Wrinkles appeared on the side of my eyes, whilst my face tickled. I was so delighted to see her again. Anytime for that matter.

She twisted her head my way. Catching a glimpse of me as well. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she jumped up to approach me. I inched closer to her, and when we were near enough she threw her arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around her waist and slightly lifted her.

I nuzzled my nose into her hair. Smelling that unbelievably enchanting strawberry scent. "Hey..." she softly spoke once I put her back down and faced her. "Hi" I smiled at her beautiful tanned face. She grinned at me whilst her dimples spiked through her cheeks. And her white teeth sparkled. Such a breathtaking sight of a girl.

"You look gorgeous" I mumbled. That Wasn't meant to be said out loud... It was a silent thought that accidentally became known. Her lips parted in shock as her eyes shone in lust. "Leo..." she huffed. Whenever she says my name like that, a switch is flipped on the back of my head.

"Well you look just as handsome baby" she beamed as her tone remained calm and quiet. My eyebrows rose to my hairline at that. She started to silently giggle at my reaction. Causing me to smile, people were for sure watching us flirt and be fluffy with each other. But I don't really care anymore...

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now