Chapter 85

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Jenna's Pov:

Every time I see Leo my heart brightens. I get all sorts of chills and waves of bliss. I greeted them once they stepped in, and we hugged. After he complimented me and I complimented him back, I asked..."Where were you?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Mr. Akio wanted to speak with me" they answered, whilst completely unfazed. As always.

I was puzzled by this fact, what did Mr. Akio want with Leo? I brushed it off for now and smiled. "Was it a nice talk at least? Or was he taunting you for something?" I questioned as Leo smirked. "No, it was pleasant" they soothingly assured me. I nodded then let my arms drop from their neck, as they retracted their hands from my waist.

"Gather up!" Mr. Knox asserted, Leo and I did just that. I stood next to Alana that was eyeing Ria in a deadly way. I nudged her a couple of times, but she wouldn't take her eyes off this girl. I sighed and looked back at the tour guide that was about to make an important announcement. In front of me was Claire... But someone is missing...?

"Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice stay at our hotel, I would like to inform you that it is time to set up your camps. Outside on the big field where you did your activities today, is where you will be preparing. Thank you!" Mr. Ling bowed with his fist on his palm. I smirked once he told us to get ready for camp.

I turned to Alana after he had finished, "Wanna get started?" I suggested. "Sure but I'm still waiting for Jess" she nonchalantly notified me. That's who's missing! Jessica! Where is she? "Hey" I heard a low soft voice fill my ears. I twisted on my heels to face them... "Have you seen Chance anywhere?" Leo asked me... And that's where it all adds up.

"I haven't seen him... But I know where he is" I teased with a playful expression. "Really...?" they played along while raising an eyebrow. "Where is he off to then?" she continued. "In Jessica's room" I spat with a half shrug, Leo's eyes boosted at my reply. "He's still in there?" they whispered to me, and I felt a heat rush inside my body. I bobbed my head in response.

"You're telling me that from the moment I came to your room, and... We did what we did..." he spoke with redness circulating in his cheeks, he's so cute. "He has yet to return?" they went on to wonder. I was a bit taken aback myself, if this was only a 'chat', then how come it's taking so long to discuss?

Jessica never keeps a man on his toes for more than 10 minutes... I feel like they're doing something... "Leo..." I smirked at them. "I think they might be..." I started, "No way. No way Jen, Chance is such a nerd he doesn't even know what a kiss is" They reminded me. "Correct. But then again, did you...?" I sexily raised a brow.

Leo blushed at my observation. Then shook his head no. "Yes, but I'm not as shy as he is, not even close" he pointed out. "I'll call him later. For now, we've got some setting up to do" he jogged my memory by mentioning the camp construction. I quickly nodded then we both headed toward our equipment.

After walking out into the field and finding a spot with Alana, we dropped our bags and prepared to start building up the tents. Just as I was unpacking, Claire unexpectedly generated in front of us. "Hey girls!!" she greeted with much emphasis. I dragged my eyes up to meet the bright blonde ahead of me.

"Sup" Alana seemed unbothered by her presence, continuing her assignment without any distractions. I on the other hand was kind of thrown off. She's been going from guy to guy this whole time and now she finally decided to be part of this friend group. It's truthfully tiring the way she gets to choose when to join.

"What do you want now?" I dropped the back in front of me, I had sat on my knees rummaging through my stuff before being interrupted. "What? Nothing! I just came by to see how y'all are doing!!" she was quick to change the subject and reject all indictments of needing something. Which is odd.

I shook my head sarcastically while sucking my teeth. Alana was side-eyeing me with curiosity about my next move. "So you don't require anything? You're just... Here?" I questioned without believing that she just wants to hang out and help us. "No really, I don't want anything" she justified.

"Well, it's kind of hard to believe when you've been screwing us over for random guys around the mountain, Claire" Alana jumped into the conversation while grimacing. Claire's face turned red from embarrassment, "I'm sorry guys, a lot has been going on and..." she hesitated to proceed.

"And what?" Alana raised her eyebrow bitchily. "This is a conversation for another time" She suggested that we don't talk about this right now. "Is it something serious?" I started to worry. "Well..." she chewed her words while scratching the back of her neck, appearing to be uneasy.

"Do you wanna talk about it tonight in our tent?" Alana recommended. I twisted my head to look at her, as I held a baffled expression. "The tent only fits two people..." Claire reminded, Alana shut her eyes while bringing her palm up to her forehead. Something suddenly snapped inside of my head at that moment.

"It's ok. You guys can discuss whatever it is you have to talk about, I can find someplace to stay until it's over" I assured the two. "Well how am I gonna fill you in on what's bothering me...?" she questioned. "Some other time Claire... Maybe tomorrow" I proposed. She nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure?" Alana checked. "Yes, I'm sure" I let her know with a wink. It didn't bother me, it was a good excuse to go find Leo at night... They're not staying with anyone anyway. So I'm not gonna be intruding. At this point, I'm taking any chance that comes across me to see them... I've got it bad, don't I...?

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now