Chapter 87

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Leos Pov:

I took a long heavy breath in, feeling the breezy air fill my lungs. Then a loud exhale broke out of my mouth. I am completely naked and a step before the water. The moon's risen enough, it is now glowing against the surface of the lake. I can finally dive in.

I was nervous, considering I am in an unknown place, away from home, in an entirely different environment. I studied the shore one last time before going in. Just to make sure no one is around. I exhaled through my nostrils, and without a second thought, I jumped in.

Jenna's Pov:

I had a long way down ahead of me. The border of the mountain is a sudden fall, which is why I was taking this small path that I could actually walk on without the fear of dropping to my death. I had started to climb down about 5 minutes ago. As I got closer my eyes were starting to focus, and I could view the person more than before.

I spotted them diving into the lake. As far as I can see I noticed they were swimming toward the deeper part of the water. I paid attention to my step, as I started to hop down faster. Curiosity was eating me alive, I wanted to figure out and see if this was Leo or not.

10 minutes passed, and I was now under the first half of the mountain. I was able to see a lot better now. Much so I could notice that the person could potentially be naked... If this isn't Leo, I'm gonna be very embarrassed to catch someone skinny dipping at 9 pm.

Another set of 5 minutes went by, and I started to get tired, but I was almost there. I could see clearly now. See that there are clothes on the sand. As I concentrated on the pieces of clothing ahead of me, I stepped on a pair of shorts. I lightly gasped at my clumsiness.

I shot my eyes down to find some white shorts. I lifted them to notice them better. These are Leo's... My eyes went wide at the realization, and a huge grin formed on my face. I let them drop, then started running onto the sand. I caught sight of the rest of his clothes.

A black short sleeve T-shirt, and the boxers she took off in front of me. I ran up to the shore with a smirk on my lips, I finally found her. I twisted my head left and right to spot them inside the water. I had no sight of her yet. How long was she underwater? Is she ok!?

I started to worry at the thought. I wasn't as focused on them swimming around as I was on my step down the mountain. My breathing increased from the anxiety. My fingers started to go numb. Just then, I saw Leo far inside the lake, jump out from underneath.

She made a bridge over the water, then dived right back inside like a dolphin. My jaw slacked from amazement. He seems so energetic jumping around the water and doing tricks in the air... I didn't know he could do any of this. They were mainly swimming under the moonlight.

My heart softened as my smile grew bigger. I wanted to let her know I was here. I waited for her to swim a bit closer, and when she did I threw my hands up and started to wave. "Leo! Leo!!" I shouted across the surface of the lake. Right then she jumped out of the water and did a front flip before reentering.

I was very impressed, I started to feel certain tingles around my body. After she performed another stunt in mid-air she plucked her head out of the water. They were too far for me to fully be able to witness their face. But I knew it was her. "Jenna!?" they yelled back.

I nodded with a grin, "It's me! What're you doing!?" I giggled while answering loudly. "I'm swimming!!" they excitedly replied. She seems very upbeat about this. I didn't know skinny dipping made them this happy. I couldn't see, but I'm sure they have some sort of expression on their face.

For a second I thought it might not be him from the amount of exhilaration they displayed. I have never seen him like this. My heart warmed up from their happiness. After she noted that I was here, she started to swim toward the shore. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I was about to see them again. She swam rather fast, with her head underwater. I took a step back to allow them some space. Soon she reached the sand and got up slowly. I couldn't quite notice them because the moonlight was shining right behind them, blocking my view.

Just when I tried to inch forward they turned their back to me. I slightly frowned in question. They then bent over to pick up their clothes, at that point, I understood that they just wanted to get dressed... Not to mention their body looked magnificent with the drops of water sterling down their skin...

I was very intrigued by the sight, feeling a little fuzzy-headed. "Are you ok?" I softly asked. "Couldn't be better! The water is amazing Jenna! It's so warm and soothing" they rejoiced. Leo seemed extremely stoked about this, something which is incredibly unusual.

They never talk this loud, or are this hyped up in general. He also appeared to be way more talkative, and expressive. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I honestly do notice a big difference in their mood, one that I have never encountered before tonight.

"Wow, you seem very cheerful..." I smiled while feeling skeptical about this. They had adjusted their boxers around their waist, and when I announced his joyful behavior he freezes in place. "Uh, yeah... I am, I really love this kind of activity. Especially when there's a full moon" he dropped his voice.

While explaining, he was trying to be low-toned as he usually is. But he was failing... What is going on? They picked up their shirt, and as they were putting it on I asked, "Leo... You're very extroverted right now, how come?" I tilted my head to the side in an attempt to see their face.

But no luck. After I tried, they turned their head to the side on their own. I saw his left side profile, there wasn't quite an expression on it, but he was neither expressionless. It was just... Normal. I furrowed my eyebrows starting to get confused by this situation.

"Jenna... I've been wanting to talk to you about something personal" he admitted, while his voice sounded light, nothing compared to what it sounds like on a regular basis. "What's that...?" I worriedly questioned. That's when Leo finally turned around.

And there I saw it... Something so unrecognizable, this wasn't his face. My chest started to rise from my aggressive breathing. I felt a hint of fear run through me. "Where's your scar..." I mumbled in fright as I leaned back away from him. I started to silently panic.

"Jen-" he took a step forward while reaching his hand out to me. I quickly stumbled back. "Dont. Where. Is. Your scar! The scar on the right side of your face where is it!?" I freaked out. "Is that why you turned your left side to face me? So I won't notice?" I called them out.

His face changed into a sorrowful expression. His eyebrows had creased, his lower lip slightly pouted, and his eyes filled with gloom. This must not be Leo. Leo's face never takes any expression, not to mention the scar that has absolutely disappeared!

His face is clean. The freckles that had been burnt out from the scar had reappeared on his lower cheek, the back of his hair had grown about, and their neck was smooth and full of flesh along with their shoulder. "I can explain-" he tried to speak, but I rose my palm up to his face.

"Show me your hand. Your right hand, let me see!" I demanded while breathing overly loud through my nose. He extended his right arm to me and I leaped forward to snatch it. I checked the top of his hand.
"It's gone. The jab, the one Tanner gave you when he attacked you in class three weeks ago. It's gone!? What the fuck!?" I flung his hand away from me.

"Let me explain, Jenna" they smoothly told. I shook my head feeling betrayed. "Explain what Leo? What sort of explanation is gonna solve this damn mystery. You are a different person" I reasoned as my hands and knees shook. I felt tears starting to creep up.

"Your personality. Changed! Your face. Changed! Your scars. Gone! Even the expressions you're revealing right now, I have never seen them before!" I continued to scream at him in anger and apprehensiveness. At this moment I have no idea what the hell is going on, or who I'm talking to...

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now