Chapter 79

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Nobodies Pov:

Jenna and Jessica were the first to reach the finish line, they arrived in front of the cabin where only one class had assembled out of the 6. Alana and Ria were no longer trying to give a signal of life, and were now speed walking down the forest. As Leo and Chance sat at the same place having a deep conversation..

Leo's Pov:

"The night at the restaurant.." I began, "yea.." Chance nodded along, appearing to be well rested, no longer trying to catch his breath, "she had created a fake scenario.. Of us having sex somewhere far in the woods.." i smiled, Chance's jaw dropped to the ground, "get the fuck out." his voice deepened from disbelief.

"Yea.. And i decided to join in to it.. To make it feel real for her.." i explained, that night when she was daydreaming of us having our special moment.. I was able to give her the full experience, my ability allows me to do many things, and one of the moon's greatest power is manipulation..

But the good kind of manipulation, such as manipulating your path into taking a positive turn, or manipulating your thoughts to be joyful.. In this case i manipulated Jenna's thoughts into a good outlook, which is also why i knew what i was doing last night when we shared our special moment.. Other wise i would've made a complete fool of myself.

"this is the first time you actually use this ability.." Chance smiled at me, i nodded looking down at the grass, "hey by the way.. How was last night with Jenna?" he nudged me while smirking. I don't want to tell anyone what we did.. I feel like i have to keep it undercover until i'm completely sure this is something legitimate,

"it was very nice, i was happy to sleep next to her again.." i chatted, trying to seem chill about it, Chance frowned upon this, probably expecting more.. "that's it? No kissing or such.." he pried into me, i shook my head no as a response, "huh.." he huffed, appearing to be very confused..

Jenna's Pov:

Where the fuck is she.. Even Alana and Ria got here before Leo did, maybe something happened to them? Or maybe they stopped to rest? I'm going feral at this point, worrying to much wether they're ok or not.. "Hey.. Why are u silently panicking..?" Alana slowly approached me.

"What? I- I'm not.." i stammered, she raised her eyebrows examining me from head to toe, "you're literally stepping around the same spot for 10 minutes straight, kicking rocks and scratching your elbow, and not to mention your head dropped below the surface.." she sarcastically reasoned..

Staring at me wide eyed, seeming to be a little worried, "there's 5 out of 6 classes already here.. Where the fuck are Leo and Chance?" i threw my arms out hinting frustration, Alana tilted her head to the side, then took another step forward, "relax, the tour guy isn't even here yet.." she tried to comfort me.

"That's not what i'm worried about.." i spat while shifting my eyes away, "worried!?" she piped, i quickly glared back at her, "no not actually worried-" i started to cover it up, but was interrupted midway, "girl cut the shit.. Talk" she commanded.. Alana always knows when i have a secret.

I took a heavy stressful breath in, while facing the ground. Just then i was saved by the bell, when Mr Ling stepped on the porch to greet us, "Hello everybody! I hope you had a wonderful morning with all the available activities, i saw many of you perform some cool stunts in every sport.." he began with a cheerful grin.

He was holding his hands together, as his squinty eyes completely disappeared whenever he smiled, "I'm happy everybody understood that when we bang the gong it means to meet up, i hope everybody found their way.." he hypothesized.. Well Leo didn't.. I sighed starting to get anxious.

I was frantically whirling my eyes around the field, looking behind me trying to see if they have arrived yet.. Alana stood next to me, watching as i suffer in my own thoughts, "stop that." she muttered through her teeth, i glanced up at her, then put in some effort to actually calm down.

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now