Chapter 75

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Leo's Pov:
(12:37 am)

After Jenna left to go do some yoga with her friends, i saw Chance in the corner of my eye, speed walking towards me, "dude!" he piped, he had sweat drops on the side of his head, and he was somewhat out of breath from the power walking, "what's wrong..?" i worried.

Thinking that i might've been visible to others when kissing Jenna, "did you hear Jessica in there!?" he screeched, "you might wanna lower your voice, she's right over there" i pointed out, as Chance rapidly turned his head to view her, next to her group smiling and talking.

Chance doesn't know Jessica's pregnant, and i don't think he'll be finding out any time soon, he kept staring, not being discreet at all, his lower lip was hanging loose, as his face muscles slaked, he was burning his eyes on her face, as she was grinning with her straight white teeth,

And her long golden hair glimmered under the sunlight, she was at my height, which meant she's just a head taller than Jenna, she had her arms crossed, standing right next to Ria as Alana and Jenna set up their yoga mattresses, "Chance.." i murmured, trying to calmly grab his attention,

"huh" he forced out of his cracked open mouth, that's when i decided to give him a tap on his shoulder, "what" he finally faced me, i shot my brows up, while holding out my palms, giving him a 'what are you doing' look, he sighed then fully turned his body towards me.

"she's way too pretty for me.. A girl like Jessica.. The Jessica Thatcher? No way." he kept on overthinking and denying, "excuse me but does it seem logical to you that I had sex with THE Jenna Ortega?" i reasoned.. But also forgot that he didn't know, Chance's eyes went as wide as they could,

His hands slowly raised up to the sides of his mouth, then he took a step back, "YOU WHAT!?" he screamed at the top of his lungs, my heart fell to my ass, i leaped forward and hurdle his face in my chest, tossing and turning as he tired to escape.

"you- You.. WHAT the fuCK!" he muffled on my shirt, trying to pull away, as i kept his head shoved in between my pecks, he started waving his hands around, acting like a 3 year old that doesn't know how to swim, "shut up, SHUT UP" i whisper shouted as he continued to speak harshly.

Jenna's Pov:

I was laying the yoga mattresses on the grass, getting ready to stretch my body out with my girls, that's if i can even open my legs after last night.. Alana and I were unfolding, and softly setting them down, when i heard a recognizable squeal come from behind me.

I twisted my head, to reveal Leo and Chance squirming around, as Leo had wrapped his arms around Chance's head, holding it tightly against his chest, Chance was trying to speak but Leo held an irritated expression.. New expression unlocked,

I started to chuckle, then slapped my hand against my mouth, preventing myself from drawing any attention, but it was too late, "what's so funny?" Alana questioned, standing up straight from bending over to align the mattress perfectly, i shook my head "nothing.." i blushed.

Then Jess was quick to jump in, "what is it?" she bugged, i couldn't hold it in anymore, i burst out laughing slapping my knee, which caused Leo and Chance to stop wrestling, as well as make the other girls laugh along, as they caught up to what im on about.

Leo had displayed that funny 'offended' look on their face, something they dont normalize doing in public, it made me laugh even more, they slowly released Chance, as the dork fixed his glasses and hair, then stood up straight pumping his chest out, like nothing happened.

Jess started to giggle even louder, raising suspicion in Alana and Ria, but they didnt notice as much due to the humourous moment, after a couple minutes of collecting ourselves then breaking again, i wiped my tears away, as Leo and Chance stood there conteplating.

"Hey.. Would you guys be interested in yoga..?" Jess slightly increased her tone, popping a huge grin, and this time she was clearly directing it towards Chance, Alana raised her eyebrows in suprise as she slightly leaned back, and Ria slowly tilted her head to confusingly stare, as i hid my face from embarassment.

Leo's Pov:

I sucked my lips in, then covered my mouth, Jessica's full of confidence, not as much as Alana, but when she wants something she conquers it, the real qeustion is, does she want him..? Chance's mouth created an O shape, clearly struggling to speak..

I nudged the ginger nerd, he stumbled a few steps, right then i glanced over at Jenna, the sexual gaze she held, piercing right through me, i took a shaky breath in, this girl bouta send me into another universe once were alone, "um well-" Chance started, when the captain of my rowing team passed by.

"Yo Leo, they have kayaking here! Did y'all know that?" He stood right in front of us, blocking my view of Jenna, and Chance's view of Jess, "oh really?" i spat trying to look past him, Chance sighed, "yea! It's gonna be some good practice, plus the water is magnificent here, i think we should try it out.." he suggested with a shrug and a grin.

"Plus Katie's missing, so Chance if you wanna fill her in? She sits right behind me, so Co-captain!" he cheered, rambling on about, without us even agreeing yet, "sure.." Chance was absolutely beat, "hey one sec" i lifted my pointer finger then ran off down the little hill to the girls.

"Hey sweetheart i'm sorry-" i tried to excuse myself to Jenna, since they had invited us first, "Sweetheart!!??" Ria gasped, Jenna twisted her head to the side, and stared her to death, even i would be scared.. Ria gulped, then looked elsewhere, "you were saying" she bit her lip.

She looked me up and down, completely examining me, "The captain of my rowing team brought up some kayaking exercises we should do.." i explained, trying to keep calm, as she kept teasing me with her eyes, and nodding seductively, "no are you kidding? Go ahead, we're all here to do our favorite things.." she assured me with a warm smile.

"Oh totally, i just thought since you guys hadn't picked anything, if you'd like to join us.." Jessica reassured me as well, i took a breath in as the two girls appeared to be very chill, i stiffly nodded in response than i braced myself to walk away, "hey" Jenna reached for my arm.

I stopped and turned, "be safe yea?" she grinned, as her brown doe eyes sparkled, and her freckles dazzled, along her dimples, and those amazing straight teeth.. "yea- Yes, you too" i stammered, clearly taken aback from her beauty, she giggled, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek,

As i walked away, i looked back at her one last time, where she shot a very sexy wink at me, causing my mouth to curve up into a grin, i looked away with a red face, then followed up behind Chance, and Jack the captain of 'The Ravens' rowing team, i was happy to try out the Japanese waters, but Jenna's gonna be stuck on my mind now, and not necessarily dressed..

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