Chapter 40

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Jenna's Pov:

after a short time of hugging, i pulled away without thinking twice and walked off to my line, i felt like i was leaving home when i let go, so i tried to brush it off. As i adjusted myself between everyone, Alana came up to me, "you want me to kick Claire's ass" she asked, while raising her eyebrows, and pointing her nails at me, i giggled while grabbing my stomach, "i'll take care of that" i teased with a smile, she shook her head, "i'll actually do it, she's been acting up" she insisted, i chuckled, "i'll see" i winked and she ran her fingers through my hair,

"you look really nice today, if he don't fuck you i will" she offered, i widened my eyes, then smiled, "yes you will" i jokingly flirted then we both laughed, after that we lined up, "alright let's begin, class 1 and 2 follow me to bus 1, then class 3 and 4 will follow Mrs. Goodwell to bus 2, after them Class 5 and 6 are following Mrs. Ahlstarr to bus 3" The teacher informed us, me being in class 1 Along with class 2 followed Mr. Knoxx to the first bus,

As we walked out, i turned my head over my shoulder, and looked at Leo, at first they were looking down at their suitcase, and ran their fingers through their hair, then they looked up, and flashed the most attractive look at me, they smirked subtly waving me off, i felt my heart drop to my stomach, both from attraction, sadness that we won't be in the same bus, and dissatisfaction from the fact that i can't handle some hours away from them.. I waved back giving a cheerful smile then turned to look away knowing that would be the last time i saw them until lunch time,

as the line of my class was exiting the gym, there was another teacher there that wouldn't be attending that trip handing out our schedules to us, "have a nice trip" she said with a grin while giving me the piece of paper with the hours on it, the paper read: "8:30 am take off (bus), 1:00 pm 1st stop lunch, 3:00 am 2nd take off (bus), (in between stops), 8:00 pm arrival at the airport, 8:30 pm dinner (airport), 10:30 pm flight, 9:00 am arrival at Japan, 11:00 am arrival at Tichu Mountain"

This is gonna be a long trip, it was a 10 hour drive out of this town to the nearest airport in LA, then an 11 hour flight from LA to Japan, and another 2 hour drive to reach the Mountain, but honestly it's worth it, i hope i get to sit next to Leo at some point in this trip.. We'll see, to be honest i did have time to figure out my feelings, and finally talk to one of my best friends about this situation, i don't wanna pressure myself to do so, but this is long overdue..

we entered the two story bus, i went straight ahead for the top, going up the small stairs, i passed the driver that appeared to be young, and climbed up to the second floor, it had that knew vehicle smell, and it was shiny, the windows were luxurious and squeaky clean, the seats were wool fabric, which is very comfortable in my opinion, i walked down the little path until i could spot my name over the seats,

I almost reached the back when i saw, "Jenna Ortega - Alana Jasmines" my face lit up and my mouth curved into a smile, i threw my suitcase and backpack over my head, and placed it on the pivot, before i sat down i looked at the names behind my seat and they read, "Claire Beckett - Jessica Thatcher" i rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration plopping down on my seat and sinking my head into the fabric, while placing my purse below my feet, i didn't not want this bitch behind me but there's nothing i can do..

I decided i'm not gonna let this overtake me, she doesn't control me or my feelings and after all Leo is mine, no! No! Not like that! I meant as a friend, she couldn't have him as a friend? Or i wouldn't allow them to be something.. I have no idea what i'm thinking right now.. My heads a mess, all i knew is that Leo doesn't really belong to me, it's just the competitive side of me talking, Leo will never be anything like that to me.. Will he? Ugh god..

I have plenty of time to sort this out but right now i'm gonna adjust myself to this new environment, and settle in for a 10 hour drive with my best friend, Claire can go fuck herself if she thinks i'm gonna let her ruin this for me.. My train of thoughts was quickly interrupted when Alana showed up throwing her own stuff on the shelf above us, then leaning down to hug me with a huge grin, i accepted the hug wrapping my arms around her, then she leaped over me and sat next to me getting the window seat,

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now