Chapter 51

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Leo's Pov:
(7:00 am)

I woke up feeling like i'm sleeping on a cloud.. It was nice and comfortable, not the seat. Just the way i was feeling from yesterday's conversation with Jenna, when i opened my eyes, the first thing that came to my mind was.. How i'm way more attracted to her than i was last night,

It keeps growing on me, and i'm not complaining.. Even though it's a scary feeling, it's a nice experience.. I looked around subtly, sitting my self upright, Chance was snoring and some people were eating breakfast.. I wanted to try some of the food.. But i wanted Jenna next to me with that precious and supportive smile..

Jenna's Pov:

I was bitting the inside of my cheeks.. Intensely staring downwards with my eyes semi wide.. I had woken up 10 minutes ago.. And i woke up with doubts.. It was a rough wave of uncertainty. When i opened my eyes.. The first thing that came to my mind was that i'm less attracted to Leo than i was yesterday..

I had spent all night drooling over them and their sweet words.. That i drained myself out of romance.. It's like a limit that has been reached.. I spent all my romantic feelings and now there's none left.. I don't know why i feel like this or what has gotten to me, i've never felt like this about them before,

But then again i've never felt allured by anyone before either, i have no clue what's wrong with me. In the past 3 weeks, i've been horny, seduced, crushing, fighting for someone with my friend, and alienated.. Literally getting cold feet.. And let's not forget getting jealous.

This time i'm not self sabotaging.. Believe it or not i'm actually trying to feel the attraction i've been having this whole time.. Struggling to find those emotions and bring them up to the surface again.. But they're nowhere near me. I sighed while throwing my head back into my seat, and lightly shutting my eyes..

The itch i'm the back of my brain was gone.. And i have yet to figure out what it was, but honestly i could care less, i was feeling guilty at the moment, and it makes no sense as to why.. I decided to brush it off for now, and mentally prepare myself for Japan,

I am very excited.. I've always wanted to travel to Japan, as well as visit the famous mountain of silence, i took a deep breath in then exhaled releasing all the bad intentions and thoughts that were bugging me, i got up and started to walk down the isle, heading towards the bathroom,

I pulled the curtains to enter the second part of the plane, and there it hit me.. The dream.. Everything that went down, and what Leo did.. I felt the itch in the back of my brain reappear slowly, i was thinking about how i could feel them.. Their mouth, the force they were using to suck.. Oh my lord,

The itch got to an unbearable point, where i started to scratch the back of my head, it wasn't really an itch in my brain.. It didn't feel something that had to be scratched.. It felt more like a call for.. Intimacy.. But it resembled to an itch.. Cause it kept bothering me,

I was starting to feel all hot and heavy, when Alana brushed her shoulder past me, then stopped dead in her tracks, and slowly turned her torso around to look back at me, "why are u just standing there" she asked tiredly, while rubbing her eye, with a pink head band on, and her blind fold hanging from her neck,

And let's not forget the 'morning routine' kit in the other hand, i inspected her, slightly drooping my eyes, "just trying to wake up and process everything" i lied acting a bit tired as well, "plus i forgot why i even got up and what i was going to do.." i yawned, while patting my palm against my open mouth,

Im really good at acting and lying to get out of situations, but i was never good at hiding things, especially things that need to be said. She gave a weak nod then turned back around and continued to drag herself to the wash room, i stopped pretending to have just awoken, and swiftly walked back to my seat.

I dropped down aggressively, and sighed once again, "goodmorning!" Claire exclaimed, 'oh hell nah it's too early for this' i thought, "goodmorning.." i went along, with a slight confusion in my voice, barely frowning while tilting my head to the side, she was looking behind her seat, straight into my eyes,

she looked energetic, something that i'm not about to put up with, and plus.. I still haven't really warmed up to her.. It's gonna take a while, "how are you feeling? We're almost there!" she practically squealed, i twitched my head back at that, with a small display of discomfort in my face.

"yea i'm excited" i numbly answered, she tilted her head then pouted while narrowing her eyes a little, "you don't seem it.." she reckoned, i let a heavy breath exit through my nostrils from annoyance, "i just woke up" i sighed softly, blinking tightly, "fair enough" she shrugged with a little smile..

What is she trying to do? After all that had happened she's talking to me like nothing ever occurred, like i didn't almost beat her ass, and she wasn't trying to steal Leo away from me, not that he was mine, and she knows i'm not the romantic type.. How am i supposed to be ok with this?

I set my lips on a hard line and gave a stiff nod, "so i overheard you talking last night.." she started while looking at the floor, i slowly rose my eyebrow in suspicion, i was starting to get irritated, "yea and..?" i growled, she took a deep breath in through her mouth,

"well i just wanna help you.." she fretted trying to assure me, i squinted my eyes a bit, "are you serious? You were literally eavesdropping why would i trust you" i roughly questioned while crossing my arms tightly, she sighed then started to look left and right,

"no i just heard you say-" she worriedly continued, trying to cover herself up, "that my business!" i interrupted her somewhat loudly, my eyes were shooting daggers, and my muscles were tense, i've had enough of her being nosy, and trying to take shit away from me..

"no Jenna.. All you talked about last night was sex!" she whisper shouted at me while leaning in a bit closer, she heavily sighed then got up and made her way next to me, leaping over my lap to sit in Alana's seat, i frowned at this while slightly cringing..

What the hell is she on to? "don't you think it's possible you're just horny?" she furrowed her eyebrows with a pitiful glare, i raised my eyebrows a notch, i was slightly offended, "i mean you're saying how you have wet dreams, and the desire to fuck Leo" she reckoned, with her voice a little too loud,

I widened my eyes at her and threw my right hand out to hit her forearm, "ouch" she gasped, looking back at me after ranting, "shit sorry" she apologized while tilting her head downwards, i held a very inflamed look on my face, while i sucked the front of my teeth using my tongue inside my mouth.

"maybe you're finally attracted to someone physically.. But that's it, i never heard you say anything sweet or romantic about them last night.." she apprehensively finished, my eyes shifted from the top of her head down to her feet then up again, she was starting to piss me off,

My foot started to tap against the hard carpet floor, and my gaze became wrathful, "and it's ok.. Cause thats how it usually starts, it's completely normal to want just sex.." she gave a soft smile, acting like she just said something smart.. I slightly rolled my shoulders back fixing my posture and gave a knowing smirk, "well heres the thing.. I'm not like you" i slightly whispered while subtly shaking my head,

She raised her eyebrows and stared at me in shock, i scoffed then turned to look away, she froze in place clearly offended, then sighed and stood up hurriedly leaping over me once again to go back to her seat, i evilly giggled cause this was very amusing, i cannot believe Claire had the audacity to say something like that to me..

small chapter today due to my birthday thank you all so much for the love!!

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now