Chapter 56

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Leo's Pov:
(1:00 pm)

"Did you call me?" I popped my head outside the door frame of the bathroom, to ask Chance, with a slightly curious look, "no.." Chance puzzled, he was sorting his clothes and trying to find the camp material, all of that was dropped when i questioned him, "did you hear someone call your name..?" Chance continued to research looking over at me with a hopeful glance.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, while stepping back into the washroom completely ignoring his existence, "dude stop avoiding this!!" he yelped while standing up from the end of the bed, and running over to the door with a few trips along the way, i sighed once more, letting an exaggerated breath of annoyance out, i stood in front of the mirror preparing to take a shower.

"you heard something, something that isn't near us!" he pointed at me while squinting his eyes and taking a small discreet step into the bathroom, i subtly cringed at him, then swiftly twirled around to face him, i leaned my lower back into the counter, attaching my hands onto the edge.

"it was just my imagination" i addressed, now crossing my arms, Chance scoffed, and let his hand fall slapping on the side of his hip, he looked away while sucking his teeth, clearly provoked by my denial. "Why are you so bothered by this!? Why can't you let it be!" he yelled while throwing his arms out and forcefully widening his eyes at me.

I frowned, starting to get tired of this, "let what be!?" i loudly responded with a question, as i pushed myself off the counter, my eyebrows lowered deeper into the frown, as my face flamed up from anger, i held my palms open beside my waist, and my eyes fumed, "your hearing!? Your hyperacusis!" Chance bursted waving his hands around, now turning red as well while his veins popped out of his neck and forehead.

I clicked my tongue and turned my sight elsewhere, i was so done with this bullshit, "hyper what?" i sarcastically asked, looking back at him like he was stupid, "dude for the past 3 months you've been hearing shit, that other people are! Saying! Just nowhere close to us" he ranted while trying to uncover something that doesn't exist. he held his hands in front of his chest,

I blankly stared at him, he's been going on about this 'hyperacusis' shit from the day i thought i heard niki tell me she's scared, when she wasn't even inside the house, but it so happens that she was over at Chance's because his sister is Niki's best friend, and as it turns out she coincidentally told Rose, Chance's sister, that she's scared she might be pregnant, at the same time i heard her say it.

After that when i jokingly asked Niki what she's scared of, she got all defensive and mad that Chance was eavesdropping on her conversation with his sister Rose, and then told me everything about it like he was gossiping about my sister and his.. When none of that happened.. I just heard her.. Chance has been going crazy in this period of time. Trying to prove to me how i have a higher ability than the one that i already have.. Which is the secret i've been keeping from Jenna.

"I'm fine with the gift i already have. I don't need no super hearing Chance" i teased while turning back around to face the mirror, as i took off my shirt, I saw Chance slap his hands on his face and spin around, i have no idea why he's getting so irritated, "you can't just throw a super power away!" he shouted in agony curling his fists,

I smashed the side of my fist on the counter and twisted my body around one last time to look at his dumb face, "Chance i don't! Have! Super hearing!" i argued, while raising my voice, Chance took a deep breath in through his nostrils, "do you avoid the moon?" Chance demanded, while relaxing in his position and slightly narrowing his eyes, resting his hands on his hips,

I fixed my posture, "what do you mean.." i mumbled tilting my head to the side, he stared right through me, with a serious expression, "what do you do every time there's a full moon, a new moon, a fucking blood moon Leo!" his voice kind of trembled as he confronted me, my eyes were semi wide, as i stared him down in defeat, "i go to the lake" i sighed looking down at my feet,

One last try / Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now