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Chapter 81 Puppet X Zerg 010

"Your Majesty, you and him are..."

"Cousin," Lance said, "His mother and my mother are sisters. I don't know if you have noticed that he does not have a surname. According to federal laws, children should inherit the surname from their father. But he's bastard and his aunt killed his father, so he's only got a name."

He should have thought of that. It is impossible for the cardinal to choose the successor of the king from a noble family for no reason. Lance either has a relationship with the Federation, or he has similarities with Edwin. Blood relationship is the most likely reason. But because of the completely different looks of Lance and Edwin, he ignored the key point: "Do you know these things well?" "

Generally, I only know about the forbidden love between students and teachers, and the cages in the palace. "Lance showed a smile that was not a smile: "I still remember what my brother and sister said in the Mirror Palace three years ago. Since you want the old men of the Cardinal Council to pay the price, you must first believe that you can go back alive." Zero at this

time Interjection: "Who is 'he'?"

"It's your father." Lance's narrow eyes met the Zerg, who showed a joking expression: "Mom is obviously my spouse."

Lance shrugged Shrugging, the soldiers behind him are ready. The Zerg's five senses are very keen, a large-scale invasion will only lead to encirclement and suppression, and the aircraft must be abandoned if they go deep into the Zerg's nest. The hinterland is surrounded by mountains, and colorful trees block the view. Lance ordered everyone to work in teams of four. I don't know if Lance did it on purpose, but he, Qing Changye, Zero and the little secretary just happened to be in a group, with fighters, assassins, mages and sissies all in one group. Except for the lack of meat, the lineup is very reasonable. Zero said that he has never been to the hinterland of the Zerg. If Zero and Lance's statements are combined, Zero was born at the Rose Auction, and was later arrested by the Executive Board of the Cardinal Council and sent to the madhouse for research. In this way, he did not return to the Zerg. star time. Because both Zero and Lance have Zerg telepathy in their heads, they are probably the easiest group to go. The mutation occurred in the early hours of the morning. When Zero and the secretary were sleeping soundly, Lance woke him up, and he knew what was going on when he saw his face turned blue. The two bloodlines in Lance's body were running wildly. Time, just as Lance's expression gradually eased, artillery fire came from around them.

This sound is no different from thunder on the ground in the silent insect-star night. Since entering the hinterland, Qing Changye has not seen many insects. After the sound, there are countless floating times around. He roughly counted, there are about thirty or so. The worms arrived near them within a few minutes. Due to the dim sky, Qing Changye couldn't see their outlines, but they were undoubtedly very tall. Lance held down the restless little secretary Linghe one by one, and he whispered to Qing Changye Changye said in his ear: "Executive Bureau."

Qing Changye hummed: "I know someone."

The woman's long golden curly hair was like a light source in the dark night, Natasha was wearing night vision glasses, Qing Changye saw her draw a gun . In the chaos, Natasha threw away her teammates who called for help, and while the bugs were attracted by the bloody executive, she escaped from the encirclement net. Her long legs wrapped in black stockings tapped on the treetops, and the woman gracefully His figure was as graceful as a cat.

"Do you want to save her?" Lance said with great interest, "That's Lanyue, it really is just like the legend, she is a witch climbing up by stepping on a man's corpse." "No," Qing Changye shook his head: "She can do it herself

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