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So first day I walk in find out this place promotes violence and that the only rules are don't kill each other and don't beat up an unwilling party. Because of that I just shouted loud enough that everyone heard me. I'm so screwed I ruined my first impression.

Now I understand why Edith said I should be less polite. This is a culture shock. Thinking that I ran to one of the seats and sat to try to avoid becoming more embarrassed

"What was that about?" (random people)

At first, after I shouted people stopped but a few seconds after the two boys started to fight once more. Stealing everyone's temporary attention once more.

"You slippery bastard." (wolf boy)

After trying to hit the snake boy the wolf boy was getting madder and more open with his attacks. All because snake boy was able to bend his body to evade and was doing more damage to wolf boy than wolf boy to him.

"Well, you are nothing but a weak mangy dog."

Getting angrier the wolf boy shifted his body once more. This time looking like a werewolf from art depictions from my past life. Werewolf fur I want to hug him. No that is a person no hugging they aren't like a giant dog that can hug me back. Behave don't do anything stupid.


"What the fuck?" (wolf boy)

I did stupid. Without thinking or wanting to I teleported and started to pet the boy's fur. And now I come off as a freak. Most likely but his fur is so soft. Hugging his arm without thinking about it I just kept petting him. Noticing everyone looking I hid my face in his fur.

"Your so fluffy." (MC)

"Let go of me your being creepy." (Wolf boy)

All I could do was step back. Snake boy was who led as we're a few other people. This isn't my best moment. I wouldn't doubt that my face is beet red.

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I was rude my name is Reina. Can I ask for your name?" (MC)

This is so embarrassing why did my body move on its own? Yes in my past life, I was obsessed with werewolves but I didn't think I'd hug a stranger just because they are in their humanoid wolf form.

"Can you please leave? I was in the middle of something." (Wolf boy)

"What too embarrassed to tell your name to such a cute admirer? Well I'm more civil than that. Hello Reina sense this Pup is too embarrassed to say his name my name is Naja I'm a..." (Naja)

"Let me guess a Demi-Gorgon." (MC)

"That is correct can I ask how you knew that?" (Naja)

"I have 50 siblings and 5 of them are Demi-Gorgons." (MC)

"Wait you have how many siblings and what are you if you have so many siblings?" (Naja)

"I have 50 siblings if you want to know correctly they are half-siblings my family practices polygamy. I am a Vampire my parents are both vampires." (MC)

Seems shocked but hearing about polygamy. Naja looked even more shocked wolf boy was just as surprised most here have the same look of surprise.

"Is there a problem?" (MC)

"You are a vampire and your family practices polygamy doesn't that make you part of a noble family?" (Naja)

What Is he going on about? Yes, my family is part of a noble lineage but we aren't part of the ancient nobility.

"I'm not part of the old nobility if that's what you mean my family is mid to lower tear when it comes to vampires because my father doesn't practice the tradition of purity." (MC)

"Purity?" (wolf boy)

"The practice where you keep your genetics in the family. You'd marry and have kids with your brother cousin mother father sister uncle. It's a disgusting practice of interbreeding families." (MC)

Some had the look of why is that a big deal others were grossed out.

"You know what I talk too much I'm going to let you two continue fighting. Naja, it's a pleasure I hope I get to know you more." (MC)

Instead of continuing to fight the boys both stopped and looked like they lost the will to keep fighting each other like what happened between the two didn't matter. Did I do something wrong?

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