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You know I didn't expect my family to leave us by ourselves after that but I also don't know why they left us alone.

"I'm sorry." ( Tatsu )

Why is he sorry? Like I understand that he was most likely focusing on me rather than the surroundings but I don't hold it against him. Because even if I wasn't attracted to him I would have a hard time focusing on anything else if I knew he was bathing behind me.

"Why are you sorry?" ( MC )

"Well you know, damn it. Okay, I wasn't focusing on our surroundings for most of the day and I was more focused on watching you than making sure you were safe. Then I got even more distracted knowing you were bathing just out of sight and I was like a peeping tom without the peeping then I saw you   naked." ( Tatsu )

Okay, that is so cute. Don't laugh he is so adorable it hurts. Why do I innately wanna be an asshole? Like he is so precious I want to see him blush more so part of me wants to tease him. Don't laugh breathe.

"Ahem you know you didn't have to admit to all of that. Besides you still protected me. Not only that you were not the only one to not notice until it was too late. You weren't the only capable person who didn't notice. Several people including soldiers didn't notice. What I'm saying is it wasn't just you not paying attention. I think someone was using magic." (MC)

"You're saying that when I noticed it you noticed it at the same time?" (Tatsu)

"Yes I'm saying that it wasn't accidental that we didn't notice it. It was purposeful and we noticed too late." (MC)

"The cult." (Tatsu)

"Yes." (MC)

"Is there any way that this theory is true?" (Tatsu)

I don't want to believe the Shofrot is involved but I heard someone's heartbeat other than our own and I was able to hear a voice that wasn't like everyone else. Honestly, since we were first being chased I knew that they were most likely involved.

"I wish it wasn't true." (MC)

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