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Well, I'm screwed you know you'd think that like in my past life if someone gives you a gift they would appreciate it. Or use it wisely. Well, Yuki liked it so much that right now she is chasing down some of the kids who made fun of her running ability.

Well, she made a bet and now all of the kids are her living ramps. You heard me right she is using the kid's bodies as launch pads in a sense. And well now I have to figure out a way to calm her down and not get run over by a Moped and it doesn't help that is rather not break something that I paid for in the first place.

"Yuki I'm sorry but as class president, if you keep using the gift to ride over others I will have to confiscate it." (MC)

"Miss Reina sorry I got overly excited." (Yuki)

"Let's get these kids to the nurse's office." (MC)

That worked out faster than I thought. Which is kind of scary to think of. I'm going to go to bed this is too much to think about I'm just glad that classes are almost done and if I deal with incidents I'm permitted to skip one whole class for that day. It is usually used when one gets mildly hurt or worn down and needs to rest. I'll take that rest.

"Oh Miss Reina I see you're done with your duties are you heading back to class?" (Teacher)

"Sorry Mister Tron today was chaos and I need some rest but I'll see you tomorrow" (MC)

"Alright make sure to do your homework for next week." (Mr. Tron/Teacher)

"Already finished ill have it on your desk tomorrow." (MC)

I'm so tired first an emotional rollercoaster then having to deal with Yuki using others as living ramps. I need to sleep.

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