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Logic: reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

Once I was sucked into the void I know my physical capabilities lost all sense of that word and its meaning. My body morphed in a second. My set of eyes became not two but four. My sense of smell changed and now I can smell different species. My lips seemed to vanish as my face grew extra sets of teeth. My mouth grew larger as it enlarged and sharpened. My blackened hands morphed once more. Now not only are my fingernails weapons now my entire body is a weapon. Breathing out smoke came out of the sides of my mouth where my cheeks would be. My vision changed from that of a human to almost a mesh of thermal I can see blood vessels in my targets.

No matter the changes human or demon I'll kill all that harms those I care about.

"Time to die" (MC)

[Humans' point of view]

"This is too easy even the adult demons can't stand against us." (#1)

"#1 I know you think this is easy but remember not to let your guard down they are still demons capable of wiping out towns if we let them come of age." (#2)

"Haha #2 what are you so worried for look this one is begging for its life and I don't even speak demon." (#3)

Shooting the demon in the head he stopped on it's dead body.

"Hey look at this pathetic demon it's quaking in its skin seeing me stomp on its kin." (#3)

Before any of them could look #3 had lost his head in an instant. His body became a husk no blood comes from his body because it was already absorbed by the demon that killed him.

"What the fuc..." (#1)

#1 Died, in the same manner, this time allowing #2 to see this demon. Its body was shrunken and hollow its skin was black as night its hair was white as snow. Contrasting with the smoke coming from its mouth. It was a nightmare to come to life the hand which has fingers that look as long as chopsticks and as narrow as them too chopped off the head of #1 and #2 with no resistance.

Even though they were both wearing full plate armor that cover vitals including the neck. But she cut through that metal with her bare fingers like a knife to room temperature butter.

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