Beast PT. 2

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It was a nightmare a being from the deep. Its hands wrap around the bases of trees like they are twigs. While on the chase. Unlike most beings, Teres are practically unkillable. If I were to use magic on this creature what would kill a normal being instantly would be like throwing sand at it. It does no real damage.

"This way." (Tatsu)

Pulling me into a small opening in the ground Tatsu used his body to block me from view.

"Clones mist false wall." (MC)

Duplicates of both of us formed running out of the gap. As they left the entrance of the gap vanished looking like it never existed in the first place.

Muttering spells and curses under his breath I can tell that Tatsu was casting barrier magic over and over again. I don't understand there was supposed to be a barrier. That thing wasn't supposed to be able to wander through the forest much less be near it. How did they get here?

It was the start of the camp many were there several teachers were at the school and due to my parents and some other noble families people some of us students were able to bring our bodyguards. It was supposed to be a normal training camp. I decided to step aside and get cleaned up at the camp they don't have shower units or bathrooms. So I was getting cleaned up at the lake. Tatsu followed behind me but he had his back to me so that I could have some privacy. But then I saw it. Before I knew it he pulled me from the water and we started running. I don't know for how long we were running but now we are here hiding in a hole.

Listening we could hear the creature follow after she copes I made of both of us.

"Tat-" (MC)

Covering my mouth he held a finger up to his signaling me to be quiet.

After a few minutes, he finally let me speak. Making sure to whisper I tried to keep my voice low.

"That's we have to get back and warn everyone. It's dangerous here." (MC)

"I know but right now you are my top priority." (Tatsu)

"I know that but my priority is everyone else. We have to go now." (MC)

Looking at me for the first time since we stopped running. He froze in place. Looking down I covered myself with my arms.

"Close your eyes." (MC)

His hands which were once at my shoulders in a protective stance were now blocking me from his line of sight. Why didn't I realize that I was only wearing a see-through robe? Oh wait I was running for my life.

I'll be the Demon kings secretary Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora