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Moving my body I was able to contort my body and bend it to my needs.

"Ugh please stop folding yourself like that It makes me very uncomfortable when you fold like you are more flexible than a blade of grass." (Boreas)

"Hehehe, That is ridiculous beside you know that I stretch every time I get healed it makes me even more flexible. Because of that after I get healed I've been training my fingers to bend backward which has decreased my fingers having torn muscles." (MC)

"Then why won't you let me stretch?" (Boreas)

"Would you want someone who should and can heal you to stretch in front of you fully healed?" (MC)

"Okay fine I would be pissed too." (Boreas)

"So what physical training are we doing today?" (MC)

"Remember how we did pinch training last week?" (Boreas)

"Yeah." (MC)

"We will be doing the annoying training with the disgusting rubber bands or so you say." (Boreas)

"Eww did you clean the bands this time?" (MC)

"Yes I cleaned them." (Boreas)

Oh my God, they are white.

"They aren't brown... I'm gonna throw up." (MC)

And I did just that threw up.

"Okay I admit they were gross but I wasn't expecting you to throw up from how disgusting they were." (Boreas)

"*Hurl* I touched that *Hurls*   So disgusting." (MC)

"Do you want water?" (Boreas)

"Grab the mouthwash too." (MC)

"Already ahead of you." (Boreas)

"Does this happen all the time?" (Tatsu)

"Me throwing up or Boreas and I acting like a mixture of siblings and a married couple?" (MC)

"Both?" (Tatsu)

"No, and yes. I don't throw up all the time. But after working together and nearly killing each other multiple times this is how we normally treat each other." (MC)

"Here you go." (Boreas)

Minty fresh and using the water and mouth wash I no longer feel as disgusting.

"From now on please clean your gear." (MC)

"Knowing you if I didn't you would make a ban on the building." (Boreas)

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