Blind Date

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It has been a few years since the Teres incident. Tatsu decided to quit his position as a bodyguard after we both told the king what was going on. From what I could tell Tatsu made up his mind. If I think about it I doubt Tatsu is his real name. I guess I barely knew him.

My life at school became chaotic and more Teres sightings and attacks happened more often as of late. The King resigned from his position last year.

Although I don't listen much to the news the new king isn't revealing his identity. Part of me hopes it is Tatsu. It's easier to work for someone that you trusted with your life at one point although, at the same time, he could refuse to hire me because of his worry for my safety like the last conversation we had before he quit. Due to his quitting my parents hired a new bodyguard. He is stiffer with his work and seems more professional than Tatsu actually if you stood them side by side you wouldn't believe that they were working the same kind of job. He is nice but he refused to call me by my name saying that it wasn't professional of him. His name is Raymond I just call him Ray.

"Milady you have a prior meeting set up by your parents." (Ray)

My parents have been trying to find me a husband or at least a boyfriend as of late. Because almost everyone in my class is engaged, dating, or even married. Some of my classmates after marriage instead of continuing education at school took at-home education. Some even have children. This is the high point of teen pregnancy.

"Hello, my name is Aspin Dacre." (Aspin)

A blind date with an ice demon. Noble clothes in guessing he is from the side branch of the Dacre family. Blue hair, Grey eyes, muscular but lean build, and olive skin tone. Looks wise he is handsome but right now I know nothing but his name and his family.

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