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What should I get for her? It's now after school normally I go to my dorm room. And yes I no longer live with my parents while I'm in school considering my first year of school I was barely able to make friends because I was socially awkward and my brothers kept threatening people when they get too close to me.

My sisters went through almost the same thing so they would try to distract them one of my sisters was engaged and still hadn't introduced him to the family but I got asked out by a classmate so that my brothers wouldn't kill the poor thing my sister introduced her fiance. So my first year of school when it ended I signed up to live in the dormitory.

Okay, Yuki loves trinkets I always see her with miniaturized versions of bigger things. What if I get her something practical that can change sizes? What item here can do that? Hah, I'm asking myself that when I'm in a middle of a shop that can do specialized items like I'm thinking of.

"Hello come to your local magic shop. What is it you looking for or would like to make an order?" (Cat girl)

She can't keep up with me that we'll and the school permits it what about a scooter and it would look cute as a mini.

"Do you have anything that can change in size and can help with transportation?" (MC)

"We have a bag that can grow and shrink with whatever is inside is that something you'd like." (Cat girl)

I should get that for myself but let's not get that for Yuki otherwise, she would try to carry everything in that one bag.

"I would like to get one of those but I'm looking for something like a scooter that can shrink down to a keychain." (MC)

"Oh you want our magic moped scooter." (Cat girl)

"Does it shrink down to pocket size?" (MC)

"Of course actually if you want we can personalize it to fit any terrain or demon. Is this for yourself?" (Cat demon)

"It's a present for a friend." (MC)

Or at least I think she is a friend unless she counts herself as a classmate or part of the fan club that is obsessed with me.

"Come this way this display screen lets you choose whatever personalized setting you want for the Item you want. You said you want something like a scooter or a moped that shrinks down to pocket size?" (Cat Demon)

"Yes." (MC)

This place has great customer service I should come more often.

"And there you go if you have questions I'll be at the front desk with the drinking parcel bag for you. Oh what color did you want?" (Cat girl)

My favorite color is blue but I wear neutral colors.

"Do you have a grey or a grey-blue color?" (MC)

"Of course so do you want the grey with a blue tint?" (Cat Girl)

"That would be wonderful." (MC)

Okay what design should I go with.

[a few moments later]

"Thank you for coming and have a great rest of your day." (Cat girl)

I hope Yuki will like her present.

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