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[May the world see that I am blind. I am def and I am broken. But hear and feel my words. Change is inevitable what you change to is your choice. Understand that change for good or for bad is always going to hurt and you might never know what you became until it is too late.]

Wow, I wasn't expecting that ending. Reading books just like I did in my past life I still do now. Sometimes I read history but this book is fantasy and that last part is so moving.

The world here has so many stories although the fantasy for them was reality for me. Where there is no magic but there is technology. There is so much in this world that sometimes I read these books and remember my past reality. I don't want to forget but I won't remain. I won't allow myself to get stuck in a past that doesn't exist here.

"Class president." (Student)

"Yes?" (MC)

Looking up there is a female classmate. Succubi you can tell that soon her body will shift up her charm. Taking a drink of water I honestly don't know what she needs. What is her name? Female, Succubi, Pink hair, and rusty red eyes. Oh, Maliha has decent grades honestly if it wasn't for the fact she made it apparent that she doesn't plan on being on the student council she would have been at least at the level of treasurer.

"Will you go out with me?" (Maliha)

I think that went down the wrong pipe. *Cough* *Wheeze*

"Are you okay? I don't need an answer I have terrible timing I shouldn't have done this." (Maliha)

"No don't overthink. Okay how do I say this give me a second." (MC)

How do I word this where I don't hurt her but don't lead her on? I've never been asked out in person before in this life.

"What I will say may hurt you but It'll hurt more if I don't. I won't go out with you. If I'm being honest I am Demisexual. Most don't know what that means. Like oh, you're attracted to demons I'm a demon date me. It doesn't work that way. I can only fall in love and become attracted to someone if I get to know that person even then that doesn't mean I'll love you it means if I do love you I love you for your everything not your looks, not your gender just you. Although even then that doesn't mean I'd be attracted to you in that way it can just mean that I like you as a person, not a love interest." (MC)

I talk too much.

"Oh, I understand." (Maliha)

"I'm not saying that I'm not willing to know you to fall in love with you. It's just that even though I am willing to know you I am not at a point in my life where I plan on having romantic relations. So instead of dating me do you want to become friends." (MC)

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