Beast PT. 1

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When the gods created the land and the life they made everything perfect. All were content with peace and beauty. One day a being close to the gods became bored of the peace and wanted nothing but chaos. In its boredom, it stole the vestiges of darkness from the gods cursing the land and its inhabitants. Once perfect beings were morphed into monsters losing their sense of self. The gods seeing what had happened rushed to save their creations. Putting their vestiges into them and the land. Reforming life as we know it. But the being that created the chaos couldn't stand for it spreading a curse through the beings that weren't protected making beings called Teres. Although the gods didn't die they lost most of their power saving the beings they could. So the gods gathered what abilities they had left granting the ability to a human family. With that, it can pass from generation to generation growing and changing with each predecessor. The gods now granting the last of their ability used the chalice of light to seal the being that caused chaos in the first place.  Enraged the being made an oath to return and cause the end of the land and cause death to the gods. Knowing that they couldn't kill what they once called a friend the gods swore that if the day were to come that he ever gets free they will return and this time destroy him for good even at the cost of their existence.

The being that brought chaos to the world in legends is referred to as Morrigan. There is a lot more to the legend. Like the fact that Morrigan had followers. Some worshippers are trying to free him from his seal to finish what he started. I believe they call themselves the Shofrot I think that word means the announcer of battle. I have no idea.

The legend is something that almost all including humans believe considering the ability granted by the gods does exist. As well as the fact that monsters do exist. Why do I say all this now? Well, I am running from one. And another thing it seems a member of that crazy church is manipulating the thing.

I'll be the Demon kings secretary Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang