Drink And Talk

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"A bit of everything. Thank you for your help." (MC)

He seemed to try not to laugh at me knowing I was serious but he also seemed to struggle not to freak out. Seeing a crying girl probably wasn't on his agenda today.

"You know if you want I can help you set up or we can go get you something to eat and drink to celebrate." (Aspin)

Hearing him mention food my stomach having a mind of its own growled.

"Having food sounds great." (MC)

Walking down the hall he kept my thoughts away from stress he tried his best to make me less nervous. And since I graduated I can try alcohol the law here is you have to be of a certain age for your species or graduated from an education program.

[A few hours later]

"So wait vampires don't live forever?" (Aspin)

Ten cups he seems stressed and a little more talkative.

"Of course not. Now we don't die of old age but we can still die." (MC)

"What do you mean?" (Aspin)

Okay on the drinking I'm not in a good position either. This is the first time I've had alcohol in this life.


"Over time the sun becomes like a poison that's why vampires are called creatures of the night." (MC)

"Heh, I thought that was a sex reference seeing how many romantic partners you usually have." (Aspin)

"Hehehehe I used to think that too until I found out that as we age the sunlight becomes deadly for us." (MC)

"Really hehe that is ridiculous." (Aspin)

"So is it true that as an ice demon, you can't freeze to death?" (MC)

"Haha even though we can't freeze to death cold weather does make us uncomfortable." (Aspin)

"That's awesome I have a friend Yuri she is an ice demon but she counts to answer that question because she never grew up in the snow plains and is half spirit demon so she doesn't know how the cold will affect her differently." (MC)

"Well, I guess that is true. I think vampires are the only species where children aren't born with the half-blood gene." (Aspin)

"Hmm although rare they do exist half vampires I mean." (MC)

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