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"So how did it go?" (Aspin)

"I got the sex talk. How about you?" (MC)

Sipping on the slushie I got I was enjoying the warmth under the shade.

"My parents told me have their grandkids already." (Aspin)

Instead of having dignity most of my drink nearly went out my nose.


That burns so badly.

"Are you okay?" (Aspin)

Instead of being able to respond all I could do is nod my head while coughing violently.

Patting my back he seemed nervous but tried his best. To be honest, I if be doing the same thing he is if I was on a "Date" with someone and they were coughing this bad.

Okay, I can breathe.

"Are you sure you're okay?" (Aspin)

"Yeah I'm alright. So what in the world did you do to get your parents to tell you to have grandkids?" (MC)

"I talked about you." (Aspin)

"Okay that can't be right because I talked about you and got the sex talk but you talked about me and got told to have their grandchildren." (MC)

"I wouldn't try to think about it." (Aspin)

That makes me even more curious and concerned.

"Just tell me a generalized form of what you said to them." (MC)

"Okay stop pestering me." (Aspin)

Hmm, it is truly easy to talk with him.

"I gave you compliments and mentioned your looks and personality." (MC)

What in the world? I don't think there is much to talk about. Especially when it pertains to me.

"I still don't understand what you said about me that made them want us to have kids but if I think about it anymore I'm going to get a headache." (MC)

After a while of talking about our plans going forward, we decided that even though we are not in a real relationship it was better to know facts about each other so that we aren't caught in a ruse.

"What is your favorite game?" (MC)

"Miniature warfare." (Aspin)

Battle strategy game.

"What is your least favorite food?" (Aspin)

"Beets." (MC)

"Huh I thought you would say garlic." (Aspin)

"Heh, no that is not true most vampires don't like garlic due to its potent smell. I like garlic the smell does linger long after though." (MC)

"How long?" (Aspin)

"Fresh or pickled garlic two weeks to a month. Garlic powder a few days." (MC)

Checking his breath I guess he had something with garlic not too long ago.

"Don't worry you smell like toasted sage salt. As well as mint. So what is your go-to weapon?" (MC)

"Broad sword. How sensitive are vampire's noses?" (Aspin)

"Depends on the vampire some vampire's noses are so sensitive they can smell the difference between blood types." (MC)

"And yours?" (Aspin)

"Well if I try I can smell different blood types but that is usually a sensory overload for me and causes migraines. So at the moment without focusing I can smell some of your bruises and the type of wood you use for training swords. What made you decide to become a part of the royal guard?" (MC)

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